Now showing items 1-10 of 1243
Zmiany w szyku niektórych składników we współczesnej polszczyźnie
Basing on the examples taken from colloquial, written and spoken language the author shows that the principles of order in both single and complex sentences are disregarded, which results from conviction that the order in ...
Stosunek wzajemny wołacza i mianownika
Les données statistiąues concemant des textes du polonais parlé ainsi que des textes dia lectaux dialogiques et monologiques permettent de conclure que le remplacement du vocati par la formę du nominatif (type Beata! ...
Error recovering extended weak precedence parser
The paper presents a simple but powerful table driven scheme for handling syntatical errors in a weak precedence parser which may be implemented by the use of1 Floyd-Evans productions. The recovery is established on the ...
Construction of quasi-optimal Floyd-Evans parsers
In the paper we have presented methods and algorithms for the generation of compact and effective Floyd-Evans parsers for a large class o f weak precedence grammars,
not necessarily UI. These algorithms make it possible ...