2010, Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia 8: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 28
Przyszłość starości. Książka w aktywizacji seniorów
(2010)In Poland, 12 million citizens are over 50 years old, which is nearly one third of the country’s population. Therefore activating senior citizens becomes an important issue. The question that arises is: how to make the ... -
Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne wobec zmian reformy systemu oświaty
(2010)The Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne publishng house was established in 1993 in Warsaw by four shareholders: Witold Bójski, Jerzy Markiewicz, Bolesław Faron and Tadeusz Korczyc. A year later the company was moved to the Krakow ... -
Badania ankietowe jakości usług i oczekiwań czytelniczych w Bibliotece Instytutu Neofilologii Sekcji Angielskiej Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego w Krakowie
(2010)The article presents the results of the user investigation at the Library in the Modern Languages Department at Pedagogical University in Kraków. The investigation was performed in the academic year 2009/2010. The aim ... -
Kultura informacyjna i biblioteki szkolne w środowisku lokalnym. Warsztaty dla nauczycieli, Sucha Beskidzka 5–7 marca 2010
(2010)Information culture and school libraries in local communities was the subject of a workshop for librarian-teachers which took place in March 2010 in Sucha Beskidzka. The main organizers of the workshop were the Institute ... -
Program eTwinning w szkolnej bibliotece
(2010)The authors of the article present an innovatory solution for school libraries, namely e-Twinning. Using the Internet, the pupils and the librarians can realize interesting educational projects in cooperation with schools ... -
Wykorzystanie technologii fotografii cyfrowej w digitalizacji zbiorów bibliotecznych
(2010)Technological progress in electronics has an effect on the improvement of the quality of life. It is also noticeable in bibliology, especially in library scientists’ work. Cultural goods are eternalized on electronic ... -
Biblioteki i bibliotekarze w świecie nowych technologii multimedialnych
(2010)Technological progress accompanies the modern man in practically every area of life. Over the last several decades, it has entered libraries and revolutionized their activity on an unprecedented scale. The new electronic ... -
Działania Niemców wobec Polaków w świetle konspiracyjnej prasy ugrupowań demokratycznych (1939–1945)
(2010)In the press of the democratic parties, published in years 1939–1945, a lot of attention was paid to the Nazi German actions directed at Poles. This topic was most extensively discussed in the publications of Stronnictwo ... -
Obrazy przemocy fizycznej we współczesnej polskiej fantastyce grozy
(2010)This article looks at the way scenes of violence are constructed in the recent Polish horror fiction. An indispensable ingredient of horror stories are scenes which set off the most negative experiences and associations ... -
Róża bez kolców Zofii Urbanowskiej. Dzieje wydawnicze powieści
(2010)The greatest novel by Zofia Urbanowska, Róża bez kolców: Opowiadanie osnute na tle przyrody tatrzańskiej (Rose with no thorns: a tale based on the Tatra mountains nature) was first published in episodes in a youth weekly ... -
Sukcesy i porażki „dzikiej opowieści” Horacego Walpole’a Zamczysko w Otranto
(2010)The Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole, published for the first time in 1764 and called by his author “a wild story”, gave rise to gothic story, which became one of the most important horror “forefathers”. Walpole’s ... -
„Nie trzeba wyczerpywać całego tematu. Wystarczy przebudzić myśl”. Polskie czasopisma popularnonaukowe o profilu humanistycznym w latach 1945–1989 – zarys problemu
(2010)Popularization of Polish science and technological achievements was one of the postulates of the Party in the Polish People’s Republic. An important link in this activity was a number of popular-scientific periodicals. ... -
Klub Angielski w Budapeszcie (1940): epizod z działalności kulturalno-oświatowej polskiej społeczności uchodźczej na Węgrzech w latach II wojny światowej
(2010)The article is an attempt at a reconstruction of the brief period of activity of the so-called English Club in Budapest (8 January – 31 July 1940), which was the cultural arm of the British charity organization, Polish ... -
O reprintach uwag kilka
(2010)The article presents the history of facsimile editions in Poland, their importance and position in the history of books and publishing. The examples presented and discussed in the paper allow us to distinguish a number ... -
Działalność „Naszej Księgarni” w czasie drugiej wojny światowej
(2010)Capturing Warsaw by the Nazis at the end of September 1939 considerably limited and forced a significant modification of the activities of the ”Nasza Księgarnia” publishing house. The publisher had to function in completely ...