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dc.contributor.authorKwiatek-Sołtys, Agnieszkapl_PL
dc.descriptionPrezentowana praca jest efektem kilkuletnich badań poświęconych problematyce małych miast obecnego województwa małopolskiego. Codzienna obserwacja przemian zachodzących w małych miastach i problemów z jakimi się zmagają, na przykładzie Krzeszowic, była dla mnie inspiracją do podjęcia szerszych badań nad ośrodkami lokalnymi.pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe process of current transformation of the country economic system is reflected in spatial changes of the settlement pattems in the Małopolska region. Research shows that the prospect of development of smali towns varies significantly due to changes in the economic functions. This is also influenced by the geographic position, technical and communal infrastructure as well as local management. The subseąuent chapters discuss the role of smali towns within the settlement system of the Małopolska region, from the demographic, economic and spatial viewpoint. The examples given show territorial differentiation of factors which influence growth of smali towns. Research also proves that smali towns of the Małopolska region make a heterogeneous conglomerate both from demographic point of view and they respond differently to current economic transformation processes. On one hand smali towns encompass the smallest local centres with incomplete central functions, on the other hand they contain fully developed regional towns as well as special function centres (industrial, health oriented) where the endogenic sector is relatively underdeveloped. The book also discusses negative effects of the economic transformation process. The analysis shows that such factors as the reduction in industrial enterprises, prwatisation and lower employment were related to weakening of some endogenic factors in the transformation process while they should have been the basis of the local economic restructure. The most prominent negative effect of the restructure is unemployment which is a significant barrier in the development of many towns. It became elear that the pressure of local community which should be directed towards economy development is geared towards employment issues. Ideally they should complement each other. Research shows that relatively big towns are instrumental in local settlement networks. They are usually regional or district centres with well-developed infrastructure (Wadowice, Myślenice, Wieliczka, Brzesko). Beside its size, the town activity level is also determined by its geographic position as proved by diverse ways of development of highland and agricultural towns. An additional mobilising factor of smali towns turned out to be the influence of a large neighbouring centre, as can be seen in Proszowice, Niepołomice and Wieliczka in the vicinity of Kraków. The period of economic transformation brought about a significant level of economic activity especially in commerce which initially became a way of solving employment issues. The contribution of commerce in the economic development has been the decisive factor in nearly all towns. Trade, often drawing on the local traditions, has proved to be the most stable element of the economic base of towns. Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, which has ranked high among smali towns in the Molopolska region is a good example of this phenomenon. Agriculture with its services has turned out to be an important element in the economy of a smali town and still is the main source of income of their inhabitants. Indirectly it also forms spacial-economic and morphological Systems of these towns. This diverse position of smali towns in Małopolska is partially reflected in the size and structure of local budgets. These budgets mirror both capabilities of local authorities which are related to local deve!opment as well as the position of specific towns (e. g. minę centres) in the economic systems to which they belong. The presented ways of development of smali towns show that their social- economic growth in near futurę is related to diverse service functions.en_EN
dc.publisherWydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Krakówpl_PL
dc.relation.ispartofseriesPrace Monograficzne - Akademia Pedagogiczna im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie ; 394pl_PL
dc.subjectmałe miastapl_PL
dc.subjectMałopolskie województwopl_PL
dc.subjectgeografia miastpl_PL
dc.titleMałe miasta województwa małopolskiego w okresie transformacji systemowejpl_PL

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