Pokaż uproszczony rekord

dc.contributor.authorGórz, Bronisławpl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1968, Z. 30, Prace Geograficzne 4, s. 141-150pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe paper presents the results of an inquiry concerned with the costs of electrification of villages and with the factors determining their amount in the Sulphur Region (in the Districts of Kolbuszowa, Mielec, Nida, Tarnobrzeg, Sandomierz, and Staszów). The inquiry comprised the villages where electricity had been introduced until the end of 1962. The rather considerable differences occurring — as it has been found by our research — in the amount of expenditure spent on the electrification of one subscriber in different villages of the region are, above all, due to the varying dispersion of the building-up in the respective villages. When the farms are considerably removed from one another, the costs grow markedly; moreover, sometimes this does not permit to introduce electric power in the whole village. Thus, villages with a dispersed character of the building-up (these prevail in the northern part of the region: in the Sandomierz district, as well as in the central part comprising the territory of the former Sandomierz Forest) are usually electrified but in parts and at a cost from two to five times exceeding those spent at settlements situated in the valleys of big rivers flowing through the region, where the building-up is compact and the number of farms is higher.en_EN
dc.titleKoszty elektryfikacji wsi i czynniki określające ich wielkość w okręgu siarkowympl_PL
dc.title.alternativeThe costs of village electrification and the factors determining their amount in the sulphur regionen_EN

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Pokaż uproszczony rekord