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dc.contributor.authorBębenek, Piotrpl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1971, Z. 40, Prace Geograficzne 5, s. [343]-349pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe paper entitled "The Place of Western Europe Air Transport in the World Air System" was founded on the anther’s master’s thesis entitled, "The Air traffic of Western Europe”. The thesis has a decidedly wider range of problems than the present publication. The work published in the annale is an extended illustration of the problems which has in up to date data during a development stage. The objective of the publication has been to graep and present the regularities and trends projecting on the character of contemporary air transport of Western Europe and its role in the world air system. To solve the problem thus precised the analysis of the problem has been carried out in two different aspects. These two aspects are: the degree to which the communication space has been mastered by the air transport of Western Europe, and the air transport power in this region of the world.en_EN
dc.titleMiejsce transportu lotniczego Europy Zachodniej w systemie lotniczym Światapl_PL
dc.title.alternativeThe place of Western Europe air transport in the World air systemen_EN

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