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dc.contributor.authorGil, Jadwigapl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1973, Z. 49, Prace Rusycystyczne 4, s. [217]-227pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe paper discusses the manual of the Russian language for the last year of secondary school from the viewpoint of the local-lore material contained in it. The author emphasizes the right choice of the Russian nineteenth-century literary texts (Pushkin’s, Lermontov’s, Gogol’s, Herzen’s, Leo Tolstoy’s) which inform the pupils about the history of the Russian society and the personalities of its most eminent representatives. She states also the fact that, as opposed to the manual which was used before the School Reform, in the new text-book more attention is given to the everyday life of the Soviet people and the friendship and partnership between the inhabitants of Poland and USRR. The author of the paper deals as well with the system of exercises in the manual which enables the pupils to assimilate the local-lore material contained in the texts.en_EN
dc.titleWartości kulturoznawcze podręcznika języka rosyjskiego dla klasy IV liceum ogólnokształcącegopl_PL
dc.title.alternativeThe local-lore values of the manual of the russian language for the fourth year of secondary schoolen_EN

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