Przeglądaj 2014, Studia Linguistica 9 według daty wydania
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-12 z 12
Osobliwe określenia przymiotnikowe i ekwiwalenty rzeczownikowe mitologizmów leksykalnych w Słowniku języka polskiego Samuela Bogumiła Lindego
(2014)Samuel Bogumił Linde’s Słownik języka polskiego comprises not only a rich set of mythology-based lexical expressions (as headwords or sub-entries in sections on derivatives), but also an account of their then-current ... -
Staropolska leksyka z zakresu górnictwa solnego
(2014)This paper deals with the lexical material excerpted from Słownik staropolski (Old Polish Dictionary). The author analyzes words with the main morpheme -sól-//-sol-, as well as multiple-root forms, which are connected ... -
Obraz narzędzi rękodzielniczych w polskich frazeologizmach i przysłowiach
(2014)This paper deals with Polish phraseologisms and proverbs which contain names of handicraft tools. Most of the collected material currently belongs to recessive phraseological units. Viewed from the perspective of a deeply ... -
Kompetencja składniowa jako przedmiot badań neurolingwistycznych - wprowadzenie do neurosyntaktyki
(2014)The article is a voice in favour of creating a new branch within neurolinguistics which can be described as neurosyntactics. The methodological and terminological aspects of this concept are supported by several factors ... -
Trwanie i przemijanie w kontekście współczesnej kultury nazewniczej
(2014)The subject of this article is the contemporary fashion in name-giving analyzed in the linguistic and cultural context. Today, name-giving preferences are not limited to the use of names of a single certain origin. ... -
Współczesna polska grzeczność językowa a postmodernizm
(2014)The paper discusses changes in the Polish model of politeness caused by the postmodernist way of life and thinking. Starting with the observation of polite phrases from the 1970s, the author of the article has pointed ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 167. Studia Linguistica 9
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2014) -
Z klasztornego archiwum - analiza pragmalingwistyczna siedemnastowiecznego Obiecadła duchownego
(2014)The paper contains the analysis of a fragment of a seventeenth-century monument – a prayer book written by a nun-Carmelite. The selected part: Obiecadło duchowne... is a certain entity, and it stands out from the whole ... -
Funkcje przymiotnika przygodny w nazwach odmian gatunkowych tekstów religijnych
(2014)The article is devoted to sub-genres of religious texts: sermons, prayers, and religious songs, which are called occasional sermon (kazanie przygodne), occasional prayer (modlitwa przygodna), and occasional religious ... -
Nazwy drogi we współczesnej polszczyźnie. Analiza leksykalno-semantyczna
(2014)The author explicates the semantics of the concept of road in systemic data (etymology, dictionary definitions, semantic derivatives, compounds, collocations, and synonyms) on the basis of contemporary lexicographic data. ...