Przeglądaj 2016, Studia Linguistica 11 według tytułu
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-16 z 16
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 210. Studia Linguistica 11
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2016)To już jedenasty tom prac wydawanych w ramach „Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Linguistica”. Data ukazania się obecnego woluminu ma charakter szczególny, gdyż zbiega się z jubileuszem 70-lecia ... -
Badania historycznojęzykowe w siedemdziesięcioletniej historii Katedry Języka Polskiego Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
(2016)The article illustrates the history of the Department of Polish Language at the Pedagogical University of Cracow. The author presents the scholars who, while working in the Department, greatly contributed to the development ... -
Badania nad imionami zakonnymi
(2016)The paper presents the state of research on the religious names in Polish onomastics (both studies relating to female and male names, as well as those in which one can find theoretical issues). The author supports the ... -
Językoznawstwo – dyscyplina humanistyczna
(2016)The author of the article proves the existence of a strict connection between the broadly understood humanities and the areas of linguistic research that refer back to the cultural, communication, and in part also the ... -
O potrzebie badań nad dziedzictwem kultury materialnej utrwalonym w polskiej frazeologii i paremiologii
(2016)The paper is an attempt at a synthetic presentation of one research area in phraseology and paremiology, namely the evidence of old material culture preserved in fixed multi-word units. The author considers previous ... -
O śląskiej frazeologii i paremiologii toponimicznej - raz jeszcze
(2016)The article is a special continuation of the paper published in the previous volume of Studia Linguistica entitled “A little motherland” in the Light of Phraseology and Paremiology of Silesian Dialects. It contains the ... -
Polityczna rozrywka czy nowa retoryka? : w stronę współczesnej widoczności medialnej polityków
(2016)Numerous variables must be considered in an analysis of paradigms used to create the image of a politician in the contemporary media space. The author aims to describe the changes that have occurred in Poland in this ... -
Polska literatura piękna źródłem reproduktów w powieściach Małgorzaty Musierowicz
(2016)This article discusses references to Polish literary works found in novels by Poznań-based author Małgorzata Musierowicz (born 1945). The protagonists of the 22-volume Jeżycjada series are literature lovers. They often ... -
Staro- i średniopolskie nazwy ciast
(2016)In the article herein the thirty-four lexical units were undertaken and analysed thoroughly which maintained the old- and middle-Polish appellations of baking products – pastries. Stemming from the etymology, the motivation ... -
Słowiańszczyzna znana i nieznana. O przeszłości i współczesności słowiańskich języków literackich
(2016)In the introduction to the present article, the author presents criteria for the classification of Slavic languages and draws attention to the existence of different research approaches to languages. There follows an ... -
Współczesny czeski przekład biblijny: metamorfozy metody i kształtu
(2016)The article presents the emergence and development of the modern Czech Biblical translation. From the beginning of the 20th century to the present day 10 completely new Czech translations of the Old Testament, 16 ... -
Współczesny dyskurs polityczny a zjawisko nowomowy
(2016)In the article I discuss the problem of contemporary Polish political communication. In its communicative dimension, the contemporary mediatized reality has become an area of functioning of polarized and linguistically ... -
Znaczenie i funkcja motywu lilii w warmińsko-mazurskich pieśniach ludowych
(2016)This presentation is an analysis of lily motives, which occurred in collection of Warmian and Masurian folk songs elaborated in 19th and 20th century. The purpose of this study was to define meaning and function of botanic ...