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dc.contributor.authorFlorek, Katarzynapl_PL
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 51, Studia Linguistica 3 (2008), s. [77]-85pl_PL
dc.description.abstractSubjects covered in the paper are some Middle Polish forms of language etiquette, speech acts pointing to a characteristic model of linguistic politeness, polite expressions repeated in typical recurrent circumstances. Examples included in the paper emphasize existence of verbal formulas that fulfil social functions consisting in showing ranks of interlocutors; they also point to simple identification of the addressee by means of proper names or official titles as well as to existing with Potocki specialized forms of addressing people and elaborated defining the third person. Important elements of the paper are also examples of verbal aggression, designations expressing want of value, and direct addressing God in form of greetings, requests or imperatives.en_EN
dc.titleFormy zwracania się do osób drugich w Ogrodzie fraszek Wacława Potockiegopl_PL
dc.title.alternativeForms of addressing people in Wacław Potocki's 'Ogród fraszek'/'The Garden of Epigrams'en_EN

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