Artykuły naukowe (WMFT): Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 301-320 z 756
Informatyczne środowisko tworzenia dialogów
(1992)YAMES, system which allows dialogues preparation for the various kind of the user (students, patients and so on) is presented in this paper. System structure, current implementation and possible extensions are also covered. -
DAS - system wspomagający proces dydaktyczny
(1992)The system LEFO (tutor’s system for CAT) was build in the Pedagogical University in Dresden. In the paper some modifications and Polish version of this system are presented. -
Wybrane związki informatyki z filozofią
(1992)The develope of computers makes itself felt in many аггеай of our life. In the paper authors consider an influence of computer science in philosophy (relations between their languages, concepts and methods). -
Próba prognozy zamulania zbiornika wodnego na terenach przemysłowych w oparciu o model zmian stężenia zawiesiny
(1992)The control of water flow by means of retention reservoirs allows to increase water reserves. A negative factor that causes decreasing reserves is silting. The main source of silting is transported material. In this work ... -
Refleksje na temat określania wiedzy przedmiotowej nauczycieli matematyki
(2006)This article presents the author's re ections, comments and problems that arise in relation to the issue of de ning the subject matter knowledge a teacher should have in the context of Even's theoretical framework. They ... -
Z badań nad wprowadzeniem podstawowych treści analizy matematycznej podczas zajęć na I roku studiów matematycznych
(2006)This article presents the author's research results concerning the teaching of introductory notions and theorems of mathematical analysis. The research was carried out among the rst-year students of mathematics. The ... -
Ziarnista przestrzeń probabilistyczna w stochastyce dla nauczyciela - dydaktyczne osobliwości
(2006)The paper deals with the notion of a probability space as a mathematical object, and also as a mathematical model of a real nonmathematical situation. A construction of probability spaces with the tools of mathematical ... -
Koncepcja kształcenia nauczycieli
(2006)The article constitutes a written version of the Author's presen- tation during the special session of the Senate Science Committee held in December 2003. The session was devoted to teacher training. It conta- ins ... -
Dokształcanie i doskonalenie nauczycieli na studiach podyplomowych
(2006)The project presents an outline of a general concept of teacher training and self-improvement in the postgraduate courses. The general proposals are illustrated with an example of postgraduate Studies in Mathematics. -
Uwagi dotyczące pojęcia wartości bezwzględnej liczby rzeczywistej
(2006)This paper deals with some studies of understanding the absolute value of real numbers. This article is divided into two parts. The rst one contains the conclusions drawn from the analysis of the solutions of the ... -
Aktywności matematyczne studentów inspirowane grami Penneya
(2006)This paper proposes a way to adapt theories of countable probabilistic spaces in order to use them to educate mathematical students trained to be teachers. It presents many examples of how to develop students' mathematical ... -
Analiza błędów z geometrii elementarnej popełnianych przez kandydatów na studia matematyczne w Akademii Pedagogicznej w Krakowie dokonana na podstawie wyników egzaminów wstępnych na kierunek matematyka w latach 2003 i 2004
(2006)In the article the errors in the solutions of geometry problems made by the candidates for the rst year of the mathematical studies at the Pedagogical University of Cracow during the entrance examinations in 2003 and ... -
Gotowa wiedza i aktywność w matematycznym kształcenia na przykładzie kątów Langleya
(2006)The article contains a didactic project of classes with mathematics students { future teachers. On the example of problems related to Langley's angles, the author presents di erences between two styles of teaching ... -
O cechach podzielności liczb i odkrywaniu twierdzeń
(2006)The paper contains some theorems (with proofs) from numbers divisibility theory, and suggestions how to use them in the process of teacher training, which provide good opportunities for developing students' creative ... -
Kształtowanie odruchów
(2006)This article attempts to single out actions performed by a person while solving a mathematical task that lead to the acquisition of desired habits towards solving such tasks. The examples of tasks, which are presented here ... -
Teoretyczne i dydaktyczne aspekty nauczania o największym wspólnym dzielniku i najmniejszej wspólnej wielokrotności w zbiorze liczb naturalnych
(2006)This article contains a collection of didactic ideas concerning teaching the elementary arithmetic. Although they are rmly based on abstract mathematics, they can be realized at di erent levels of teaching school ... -
Przekształcenia wykresów funkcji
(2006)This article is concerned with some topics of the transformations of the graphs of functions. It is designated to serve as a text for the students of mathematics (prospective teachers) and the teachers of mathematics. In ... -
O potrzebie dokształcania nauczycieli akademickich
(2006)In this paper author underlines the necessity of continuing education of young academic teachers in the domain of methods of students' activity during their studies. -
Analiza sygnału mowy metodą elektroglotografii - zastosowania praktyczne
(2008)This paper presents the essence of speech signal analysis performed with use of electroglottography. It is an instrumental analysis, which enables presentation of practical possibilities of using Laryngograph in the ... -
Analityczna metoda strojenia regulatorów cyfrowych i analogowych dla inercyjnych obiektów pierwszego rzędu z opóźnieniem
(2008)The article deals with the analytical digital and analog controller tuning method for the first order plus time delay plants. The described method is based on the real dominant multiple pole and the D-transform. The ...