Studia Politologica: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 41-60 z 209
Od Kalopei do Rzeczpospolitej Samorządnej. Próba charakterystyki polskich utopii socjalnych
(2017)The research aim of this article was to analyze the socialist utopia as an idealistic inspiration in the process of democratizing the socio-political system in the perspective of two centuries; from the times of the ... -
Epistokracja jako antyutopia w zarządzaniu publicznym i jakie na nią remedium
(2017)Public management, sector politics and generally the entire public politics should not be the spheres for utopian dreams. They are almost entirely pragmatic, detailed and often not thrilling. They are the domain of ... -
Wizje podboju Marsa. Od literackiej dystopii do kluczowych decyzji politycznych
(2017)The aim of this article is to outline the vision for colonisation of Mars. In the article I answer the following questions: what motivates individual persons, communities and states to head in this direction? Also: why ... -
Recepcja idei „nowego średniowiecza” w polskiej myśli nacjonalistycznej
(2017)The research aim of this article is to analyze the ideo-political reflections of the publicists and activists connected with the young nationalists movement in the 1930s on the background of the political philosophy ... -
Anarchokapitalizm a państwo narodowe – utopijna wizja czy realna perspektywa przyszłości
(2017)The article will concern anarchocapitalism as one of the currents of contemporary thinking about society, the state, and the economy. He also developed his own, utopian view of many, the vision of the socio-political ... -
Współczesne implikacje mesjanizmu politycznego w Polsce
(2017)Messianism is generally a belief in Messiah, who will come and change the relations in the world. Messianism has taken many different forms, depending on the political and environmental conditions. Polish researcher, ... -
Samorządna Rzeczpospolita – samorządna wyspa na niedemokratycznym oceanie. Koncepcje samoorganizacji społecznej w czasach pierwszej „Solidarności”
(2017)In the times of the “First Solidarity” (1980–1981), the idea of self-government was one of the key fragments of the socio-political system change concept. The specific connection of the bottom-up activity of the working ... -
Mit mocarstwowości w myśli politycznej II RP
(2017)The term of superpower is ambiguous in politology. It is frequently defined as striving after domination in either regional or global dimension. However, this term has rather an ironical meaning in connection with the ... -
Prometeizm: utopijna idea czy realne narzędzie polskiej polityki wschodniej
(2017)The intensification and quality of Polish-Russian relations remains, despite passing years and generations, a key issue in discussions about Polish Eastern Policy choices. Successful war with Bolshevik state in 1920 left ... -
Partycypacja obywatelska jako utopijna wizja samorządzenia społeczności lokalnych – na przykładzie miasta Krakowa
(2017)Civic participation is a term used to describe the participation of the citizens in making and realizing decisions by the public government and administration. Civic participation can take many forms, which in theory ... -
Polska racja stanu a wyobrażenia Paneuropy w utopijnej powieści Feliksa Burdeckiego pt. Babel (1931)
(2017)The aim of the article is to study the maladjustment of the paneuropean ideals to the social and national expectations in the interwar Poland, a fragmentary evidence of which can be found in the dangerous – in a political ... -
Włoscy utopiści epoki nowożytnej (Machiavelli, Botero, Campanella) w polskich badaniach naukowych XX i przełomu XX i XXI wieku
(2017)The author of the article analyzes the place and importance of the works of Italian utopians from the modern era (such as Niccolò Machiavelli, Tommaso Campanella and Giovanni Botero) in Polish research from the range of ... -
Wstęp [w: Studia Politologica 18]
(2017) -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 247. Studia Politologica 18
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2017) -
Amerykańsko-radzieckie wymiany koszykarskie jako przypadek z pogranicza pozytywnej i negatywnej dyplomacji sportowej
(2016)The aim of the article is to investigate basketball exchanges between United States and Soviet Union from the perspective of sports diplomacy. The research is directed at determining its significance in affecting political ... -
Paul Kagame – biografia polityczna i realizowany model przywództwa
(2016)The purpose of this article is to present the most important facts of political biography of Paul Kagame (b. 23 Oct. 1957), the incumbent president of Rwanda, the main architect of the Rwandan reforms and the reconstruction ... -
Realizacja interesu narodowego w strukturach Unii Europejskiej na przykładzie autonomicznych agencji regulacyjnych
(2016)Regulatory agencies are an original example of cooperation between countries, private institutions and bodies of the European Union. They are an essential link in the development of sectoral network administration within ... -
Tożsamość narodowa jako czynnik kształtujący relacje pomiędzy Unią Europejską a państwami członkowskimi
(2016)National identity in the legal terms is understood as constitutional identity. It conditions the relationships between the European Union and its Member States. Referring to the constitutional identity makes possible for ... -
Russia in Syria. The Previous History and Present Concerns
(2016)Dramatic development of events in Syria of the last 6 years in an unprecedented way impacted not only the Middle East countries, but also a number of other, the USA included, and probably indirectly affected the international ...