dc.description.abstract | As indicated in its title, the article presents the relations between the counter-culture and post-modernism. The
author's standpoint is that those links are not always perceived and realised in the contemporary reflection on
post-modernism. Both phenomena occurred more or less in the same time (the sixties), which enabled mutual
influences and inspiration, especially in the area of artistic search.
The proof of that, according to the author, are the STU Theatre shows from the 1970-ties (Spadanie, Sennik
polski, Donkichoteria), which after years can be read as manifestations of post-modernist aesthetics (Spadanie,
Sennik polski), and even post-modernist outlook {Donkichoteria). Additional spice is the fact that the authors of
the mentioned plays, which are considered to be the leading achievements of altemative/counter-culture theatre,
only today are labelled predecessors of post-modernism, because in the 70-ties both they and the audience were
not aware of it. | en_EN |