Przeglądaj 2004, Studia Historicolitteraria 4 według tytułu
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 20
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 20. Studia Historicolitteraria 4
(2004)Oddaję do rąk Czytelnika trzeci już tom studiów, które są plonem organizowanych co roku przez Instytut Filologii Polskiej Akademii Pedagogicznej im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie konferencji naukowych w „Zajeździe ... -
Bruno Schulz czyta Conrada
(2004)The work focuses on intertextual links between Brunon Schulz’s prose with Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. The evidence of those interconnections is to be found in the story Karakony, which can be read as a grotesque ... -
Dlaczego "zawsze fragment"?
(2004)In Tadeusz Różewicz’s poetic output, since its beginnings, the principle of “a fragment” was of primary importance. After the disaster of the World War II, it was impossible to create a holistic vision of the world in ... -
Dlaczego reklama może być interesująca dla literaturoznawcy?
(2004)The interest in interdisciplinarity in contemporary culture in Poland goes back to the turn of 1980-ties and 1990-ties. It also encompasses the sphere of communication which is the meeting point of two important areas, ... -
Genezyjska Iliada Juliusza Słowackiego
(2004)Słowacki translated three passages from Homer’s Iliad writing into the epic his own mystic version of the world. It is done by means of characteristic imagery and peculiar characterisation of protagonists who are aware ... -
Gry intertekstualne na tekście filmowym : opis mechanizmów
(2004)The author focuses on the problem of intertextuality considered in the context of iconic texts. A considerable emphasis is put on the analysis of ways of comprehending the relations between texts and typology of those ... -
Intertekstualne harce Stanisława Lema w Trzech elektrycerzach (i nie tylko)
(2004)In Bajki robotów and Cyberiada, both science-fiction and fairy-tale collections of prose miniatures, Stanisław Lem exposes his excellent writing skills based on intellectual games. The author plays intertextual games ... -
Interteksty widzenia, palimpsesty pamięci
(2004)The presented article discusses the interaction of certain kinds of autobiographism and intertextuality. The author comments on two books by notable writers: Pamflet na siebie by T. Konwicki and Lapidaria by R. Kapuściński, ... -
Kolczyki Izoldy? Kolczyki Baraniej Mordy!
(2004)The author conducts the analysis of K.I. Gałczyński’s poem of 1946. In contrast to other poems Kolczyki Izoldy was not lucky with interpretations. It was either neglected and treated with silence or interpreted in a ... -
Literackie i krakowskie referencje wierszy Andrzeja Bursy
(2004)Andrzej Bursa’s poems are treated as a document of the political breakthrough in the year 1956. For literature historians they testify to the revolt against commonly acknowledged social and literary norms. In the research ... -
Literackie przekodowanie tekstu prawnego w Panu Tadeuszu
(2004)The article deals with the problem of establishing interpretative context for Pan Tadeusz as a text constituting a kind of author’s updating of the legislation ideas of the Republic of Poland. It shows the mechanism of ... -
Między snami. Elementy biblioteki - sennika w książce Bezpowrotnie utracona leworęczność Jerzego Pilcha
(2004)In his book Bezpowrotnie utracona leworęczność, Jerzy Pilch says that “a library is a collection of dreams”, whereas “literature is an eternal going out of a dream and entering a dream”. Those words become the main thesis ... -
"Miłość nieprzykładna" Elżbiety Drużbackiej. Rozwinięcie intertekstowe motywu orła i słońca (konteksty interpretacyjne)
(2004)The motive of the eagle and the sun was placed within: a/ an interpretative and/or content plane of Miłość nieprzykładna exposing vocabulary, and b/ language and culture plane showing 1. pre-patterns (proverbs), 2. ... -
O mottach w cyklu wiedźmińskim Andrzeja Sapkowskiego. Wprowadzenie
(2004)Having considered the views of the motto theoreticians who define it either as a foreign element in the text (S. Skwarczyńska) or an intertext (H. Markiewicz, T. Cieślikowska), the author discusses the functions fulfilled ... -
Oswajanie przestrzeni „prywatnej ojczyzny" w Kamieniu na kamieniu i Widnokręgu Wiesława Myśliwskiego
(2004)The first part of the paper consists in situating Kamień na kamieniu and Widnokrąg against the background of the “peasant trend”, and demonstrating Wiesław Myśliwski’s intertextual games with the guidelines of that trend. ... -
Pejzaże pamięci Agaty Tuszyńskiej a konwencja reportażu i proza Singera
(2004)Singer. Pejzaże pamięci is a book of many author-voices. The author treats the work of the novelist as a code, which is only understandable to fans of Isaac Bashevis Singer. She explores the most appreciated elements in ... -
Poeta wobec uniwersum kultury. O poezji Janusza Szubera
(2004)The text deals with Janusz Szuber’s poetry, which is located in the context of the contemporary classicism. The poet’s literary output grows out of both the tradition of European poetry and local culture which is close ... -
"Świty śpiących". Miłoszowe inspiracje w cyklu Dziennik poranny Stanisława Barańczaka
(2004)The article attempts to analyse the title relation on three planes: topic, emotion and verse. The author arrives at a conclusion that apart from inspirations to conduct versification experiments, Barańczak hardly ever ... -
Tęsknota za realnością. Psychologiczna interpretacja odwołań do malarstwa i rzeźby w poezji Zbigniewa Herberta
(2004)The author searches for an answer to the question of the sense of spatially expressed poetry through “quotations” of painting and sculpture. She discovers frequent references to spa- tiality of painting, sculpture and ... -
Użytkowa i poetycka funkcja metafory. O metaforze maszyny w analizie organizacji przedsiębiorstw i w poezji
(2004)The present article compares (cognitively) a poetic metaphor of the machine with the so- called organisational metaphor of the machine which functions in the analysis of enterprise structure. The analogy between the style ...