Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Prace Psychologiczne: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 112
Neuropsychologiczne podstawy aktywności poznawczej jednostki
(1992)In the paper the neuropsychological approach to investigation of individual determinants of human cognitive ability is outlined and discussed. This approach is represented, i.a., by J.E. Bogen, who in his works has drawn ... -
Między poradą a psychoterapią
(1992)In the article the basic differences between psychotherapy and other forms of psychological interactions (counsel, psychological training etc.) were characterized. Psychotherapy is a qualified form of treatment, based ... -
Wpływ treningu interpersonalnego na hierarchię potrzeb studentów I roku WSP (doniesienie z badań)
(1992)In this article the author presents the study on the links between the interpersonal training and the changes in the hierarchy of psychological needs among the students. In this study was used "Stern Activities Index" ... -
Formy przekazu informacji w różnych sytuacjach studiowania
(1992)In the article the types of interpersonal relations occurring in the course of studies are presented and the questionnaire of communicative attitudes, based on Penman’s theory, is constructed. The investigation, in which ... -
Samoocena kompetencji wychowawczych a postawy nauczycieli wobec karania uczniów
(1992)The group of 230 teachers was examined using the questionnaire of self-estimation of education competence. Also teachers’ attitude toward the punishment of pupils has been measured using the Likert’s scale. In the second ... -
Kształcenie gotowości nauczycieli do regulacji emocjonalnej działalności poznawczej uczniów w procesie nauczania
(1992)In the paper the problem of teacher’s readiness to regulate emotional states of pupils in the course of a teaching process is dealt with. The author suggests a number of methods of influencing pupils’ emotions and the ... -
Interakcje matek z dziećmi upośledzonymi umysłowo jako przedmiot oddziaływań rewalidacyjnych
(1992)Research on the impact of early intervention with mentally handicapped children and their families has placed too much emphasis upon child development progress to the neglect of several important parental and environmental ... -
Pozycja socjometryczna w grupie szkolnej sześciolatków wychowywanych w domach dziecka
(1992)The aim of the paper is to find out how children from children’s homes integrate in a school environment. All the children from Warsaw children’s homes who started school in ’0’ form were considered in the investigation. ... -
Analiza porównawcza niektórych cech rozwoju społecznego dzieci jedynych i posiadających rodzeństwo (na przykładzie badań sześciolatków)
(1992)On the basis of the comparative analysis of self-concept, the preferences of social roles and social behavior in six-year-old children being the only ones in a family or having siblings, we should point out that there ... -
Androgenia - nowe spojrzenie na problem identyfikacji z rolą płci
(1992)This article presents a conception of androgyny which is free from culturally imposed definitions of masculinity and Femininity. Masculinity and femininity represent complementary domains of positive traits and behaviors, ... -
Analiza warunków wstępnych nawiązania kontaktu
(1992)In the phenomenological trends of philosophical antrophology and in the humanistic psychology we can see a list of assumptions connected with the contact between two subjects problem. These assumptions are the normative ... -
Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Z. 141. Prace Psychologiczne 3
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 1992)Oddawany do rąk Czytelników Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny Prace Psychologiczne III zawiera opracowania teoretyczne i empiryczne pracowników Pracowni Psychologicznej, dotyczące wybranych zagadnień psychologii społecznej ... -
Postawy religijne osób uzależnionych od alkoholu - członków klubu abstynentów „Trzeźwość” w Krakowie
(1988)In this article the results of our study on religious attitudes of persons addicted to alcohol are presented. In the attitudes of the alcoholic abstainers the existence of friendly relations to religiocity (in common sense) ... -
Sprawność pamięciowa dzieci astmatycznych i zdrowych
(1988)The psychological test scores of a group 66 asthmatic children in the 7-15 year old range were compared with those of a matched nonasthmatic group with no history of possible brain disorder. The memory performance was ... -
Stosunki uczuciowe w rodzinach dzieci astmatycznych
(1988)The paper presents results of empirical investigations concerning the problem of family relationships' specificity in the case of the children with bronchial asthma. 35 children with bronchial asthma, hospitalized in the ... -
Struktura osobowości dzieci ze schorzeniami górnych dróg oddechowych (analiza porównawcza dzieci zdrowych i chorych)
(1988)The article describes searching tend towards revealing possible particular features of the children suffering from the upper air passages. 60 pupils suffering for asthma, 30 for another upper air passages were examined. ... -
Kształtowanie zachowań prospołecznych u dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym
(1988)Although prosocial behaviour is paid more and more attention in the present day psychological research, there is still felt – especially in Poland – a reat lack of sufficient empirical data on the initial appearance and ... -
Problem uwarunkowań cech zachowania antyspołecznego lub/i przyhamowanego u sześciolatków
(1988)The terms "antisocial” and "retarded behavior" are applied to describe negative or passive attitudes of children in relation to other persons and to the requirements of kindergarten, which are characterized by an expansive ...