Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Prace Psychologiczne: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 61-80 z 112
Kierunki badań nad osobowością dzieci i młodzieży chorych na astmę
(1996)In the history of research on the structure of personality in individuals suffering from asthma it is possible to distinguish two trends (taking theories of personality as a criterion) in the light of which the complicated ... -
Myśl etyczno-aksjologiczna w medycynie na przykładzie poglądów Antoniego Kępińskiego
(1996)The subject of the paper is the ethical - axiological idea of A. Kępiński, which is presented in the light of biological model as the one of basic points in his theoretical- -methodological standpoint. His biological ... -
Cechy temperamentalne i intelektualne oraz natężenie stymulacji makrośrodowiska zamieszkania a powodzenie zawodowe u nauczycielek
(1996)The paper presents the study of 100 female teachers. The aim of the study was to investigate the relation between job success, temperamental and intellectual traits and intensity of stimulation in place of residence. The ... -
Reaktywność, ruchliwość procesów nerwowych i inteligencja a czas reakcji prostej
(1996)The paper is the attempt at discovery relations between times of simple reaction and individual traits. There were measured times of simple reaction for auditory and visual stimuli, temperamental traits and intelligence ... -
Podmiotowe oraz tekstowe determinanty rozumienia tekstu przez dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym i średnim szkolnym
(1996)The aim of the study of six years old children and pupils of seven grade in primary school was to investigate relations between reading comprehension and complex interaction of subjects’ intellectual and temperamental ... -
Dedukcyjny i autokreacyjny model uczenia się
(1996)Process of memory coding in conditions which make transformation of information difficult could be describe by three processes: memory recording, the lack of recording, the loss of information. Recording is possible only ... -
Temperamentalne i intelektualne uwarunkowania postaw wobec pracy u studentów
(1996)The paper focuses on the differences in the students attitudes toward work determined by individual variables. The results of the study of 300 Polish students are a part of cross-cultural research conducted in 1988-1989 ... -
Postawa wobec partnera interakcji w sytuacji odrzucenia przez niego
(1996)35 persons took part in the experiment. Firstly the attitudes towards partners of interaction were measured and secondly the information that objects of the experiment were negatively valuated by their partners of interaction ... -
Funkcjonowanie społeczne dzieci sześcioletnich a ich cechy temperamentalne i intelektualne
(1996)The paper presents analysis of children's social behavior in kindergarten, altruistic behavior towards unknown peers and attitudes towards the kindergarten measured in the kindergarten and at home. The results showed that ... -
Psychologiczne uwarunkowania sympatii i antypatii dziecięcych w I klasie szkoły podstawowej
(1996)In the study there was made an attempt at analysis of intellectual and temperamental determinants of informal relations between 33 pupils of first grade in primary school. Sociometric standing of the child was measured ... -
Androgyniczny styl identyfikacji z rolą płci w perspektywie rozwojowej
(1996)The present paper focuses on the psychological sex role development that potentially continues across the life-span. This issue is examined throught an exploration of several theories of sex role development and empirical ... -
Strukturalizacja czasu a ryzyko otwartości w analizie transakcyjnej
(1996)The paper speaks about time structuralization, one of the most important aspects of transaction analysis. It shows how people use their time, by the description of six most typical ways. It presents also proposals of ... -
Interdyscyplinarne modele procesu komunikowania
(1996)This paper is concerned with two aims. In the first the author reviews or rather makes some short remarks referred to specific models of the communication process. On the other hand he describes and explains the conversational ... -
Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Z. 169. Prace Psychologiczne 4
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 1996)Przekazujemy do rąk Czytelników IV tom Prac Psychologicznych, stanowiący przegląd opracowań teoretycznych i empirycznych, przygotowanych w ostatnich latach, w ramach badań indywidualnych i zespołowych, przez psychologów ... -
O specyfice myślenia intuicyjnego
(1992)1) There is a growing need for understanding the essence of creative thinking, and within this scope – intuitive thinking. 2) Special character of intuitive thinking can be understood better if we point out its distinctive ... -
Rozumienie pojęć czasowych przez dzieci 5- i 6-letnie
(1992)The article presents the results obtained so far in the investigations of the development of temporal concepts of preschool age children. The research has shown that between the ages of 5 and 6 there increases the number ... -
Badanie przydatności metody programowanego kształcenia umiejętności dla prognozy powodzenia w początkowej nauce czytania
(1992)The article is an attempt to test one of the possibilities of improving methods for prognosis of success in the beginning of learning of reading, i.e. to test the method in which the elements of programmed learning are ... -
Indywidualne i sytuacyjne uwarunkowania powodzenia szkolnego w świetle koncepcji reaktywności Jana Strelaua
(1992)The didactic experiment presented in the paper aimed at, defining usefulness of J. Strelau’s et all model of reactivity in the investigation into determinants of school functioning. In the six months’ period the influence ... -
Reaktywność, ruchliwość i inteligencja a parametry krzywej uczenia się
(1992)The course of the learning courve more is predictable only to a small degree on the basis of the level of temperamental factors. The more valid variables being: memory capacity and the learning random effect in the first test. -
Adresowa koncepcja uczenia się
(1992)The course of the learning courve can be deduced from simple assumptions of the memory processes. Based in theory of probability the known principles of memorizing and forgetting can be taken into account.