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dc.contributor.authorPetkowska, Urszulapl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1990, Z. 133, Prace z Dydaktyki Literatury i Języka Polskiego 4, s. 265-289pl_PL
dc.description.abstractHorizontal poll inquiry worked out in the academic year 1986/1987 included 260 students. Its aim consisted in the recognition of the process of the self-accomplishment of the students during the 5 years of their studies as well as the relations between the students' aspirations and the programme realized by the University. The investigation has demonstrated that the students are to a great extent prepared to govern their own development. They are completely aware of the aim they aspire to, formulate definite models-ideals with a perspective to realize them. The positive professional orientation is high (on the average 80%). Didactic training and school practice stimulate the students to self-improvement and adequate self-evaluation. The technique of self-education is however the most neglected element in the students' training while without it the process of self-instruction and self-improvement cannot take a normal course. It is therefore necessary to work out concrete programmes of a student's work, of the methods of self-control and self-valuation, and of the exercising of acquired dispositions. In order to achieve this purpose a modification of both plan and programme of studies is necessary. All the elements which do not directly correspond with the future work of a teacher of Polish should be removed while professional ethics and selected problems of andragogy ought to be introduced.en_EN
dc.titleProces przygotowania do zawodu nauczycielskiego w opinii studentów filologii polskiej WSP w Krakowiepl_PL
dc.title.alternativeProcess of preparing for teacher's profession in opinion of students of Polish philology of Cracow Pedagogic Universityen_EN

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