Studia de Cultura: Recent submissions
Now showing items 161-180 of 523
Słowo od Redaktorów Tematycznych
(2019) -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 279. Studia de Cultura 11 (2). Teatr w edukacji, terapii i profilaktyce
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2019) -
Zapożyczenia z języków romańskich – gorsze zapożyczenia? Rola galicyzmów i italianizmów w nauczaniu języka polskiego jako obcego
(2012)This article is an attempt to draw readers’ attention on the role of borrowings from Roman languages in teaching Polish as a foreign language. Those borrowings are a large, but still underestimated group in lexical supply ... -
Czy podręczniki do nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego mają marginesy?
(2012)The titled „margins” of the Polish as a foreign language textbooks can be the subjects which are less attractive, “worse” or sensitive (for example a poverty, a corruption, taboo), and also which concern the opposition ... -
Językowe konceptualizacje czynności autoerotycznych. Rekonesans lingwistyczno-kulturowy
(2012)Article discusses linguistic conceptualisations of autoerotic activities- sexual sphere rejected culturally and linguistically, mostly in European culture. Analyses of particular linguistic forms taken from dictionaries ... -
Wulgarny internauta, czyli kilka słów o zgorszeniu w sieci
(2012)There has been a common belief that an Internet language is full of vulgarism. The level of interpersonal culture in communication has been lowering, especially in functional aspect of language. Moreover, vulgarization ... -
Wulgaryzmy jako problem dla leksykografa (nie tylko w związku z pracami nad Wielkim słownikiem języka polskiego PAN)
(2012)In the first part of the paper the author shows some controversies over the describing of vulgar lexemes in dictionaries; the second part is devoted to discussion of some rules of the description of vulgarisms in “PAN ... -
Zgorszenie jako strategia walki szwedzkich artystów filmowych ze społeczeństwem
(2012)Tomasz Adamski in his article analyzes newest swedish film production as manners of criticism of swedish society. At the beginning he describes features characterizing modern Sweden like: economic equality, high taxes, ... -
Dzieje grzechu, czyli kontrowersje wokół polskiej recepcji twórczości filmowej Waleriana Borowczyka
(2012)Worldwide Walerian Borowczyk is known as a vanguard artist. In Poland, however, his works have been always divided into two categories: the “real art”, eg. his animated films made with Jan Lenica and “all the rest”, ... -
Gorsząca inność. Dziecko jako abiekt
(2012)The paper raises the problem of the child as the Great Other, who appears in the novels of Doris Lessing The Fifth Child and Kenzaburo Öe A personal matter. In both works coming into the world of the Other – a handicapped ... -
Poetyka gorszenia? Sacrum w kontekście autonomizowania się sloganu reklamowego we współczesnej polskiej prozie, poezji i dramacie
(2012)The text depicts the process of penetration of an autonomised advertising slogan, merging with language elements characterising the sacrum sphere, into the language of literature. A variety of language based on a play ... -
Czy istnieje jeszcze tabu? Kilka refleksji na temat prozy polskiej po roku 1989
(2012)This paper aims at answering the questions about the nature of relations between social standards and issues put forward by the writers, who made their debuts after 1989. It shows how and why the concept of taboo has ... -
„Przepisane” historie życia Chrystusa: Panna Ferbelin Stefana Chwina oraz Ewangelia według Jezusa Chrystusa Jose Saramago
(2012)The matter of the article are „rewritten” stores of life of Jesus Christ. Author synthetically characterizes creation of such texts in the film production( mentions so-called biblical films and creating of the “adaptations” ... -
Hermanna Nitscha Teatr Orgii i Misteriów jako powód do zgorszenia?
(2012)Hermann Nitsch, a representant of the „Viennas Actionism” (germ. Wiener Aktionismus) initiated in the late 1950’s of the XX-century the so called „Theatre of orgy and mystery” (germ. Orgien-Mysterien-Theater). This is a ... -
„Detronizacja powagi”. Szkic o obecności campu w polskiej prozie
(2012)The author describes a mode of sensibility called ‘Camp’. She concentrates on the most characteristic features of it, especially on the ambivalence of any assessments, specific playful type of seriousness, theatricalization, ... -
Sztuka „gorszenia”, czyli o zgorszeniu jako doświadczeniu dzieła. Konteksty i uwarunkowania
(2012)The experience a work of art may rise different reactions, especially in the sphere of postmodern artistic practice. The art not only delights, but often provokes, offends and causes scandals. That aspect of the process ... -
„Zgorszenie postludzkie” – posthumanistyczne definiowanie zgorszenia w obszarze technologii, informacji i relacjach międzygatunkowych
(2012)A special response to the various manifestations of posthumanistic idea may be the sense of scandal. It may be related to the lack of acceptance of the idea of non-human entity and therefore, its broad definition, and ... -
Słowo od Redaktora
(2012) -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 121. Studia de Cultura 4
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2012)