Przeglądaj 2010, Studia ad Didacticam Litterarum Polonarum et Linguae Polonae Pertinentia 2 według daty wydania
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 28
O "czytaniu" dzieła malarskiego w szkole - inspiracje, kontynuacje, zaniechania
(2010)Discussing painting masterpieces has been a fixed component of Polish teaching for over a century, and has many times become the subject of educational theoreticians’ and practitioners’ reflections. A remarkably important ... -
Badawczo-naukowe obligacje dydaktycznych seminariów magisterskich
(2010)Characteristics of MA seminars in Polish language and literature didactics allows us to attempt to identify those features that determine the seminars’ independence within the specialization course of studies. While ... -
Praktyczna stylistyka na tle współczesnych koncepcji tekstologicznych (retoryka, stylistyka, teoria tekstu)
(2010)The article discusses the relation between practical stylistics and modern theories in textology. The first, informative part of the article concerns the direction of transformations that allow placing stylistics in the ... -
Interpretacje wierszy i obrazów – o świadomości dzieła sztuki
(2010)In the context of problems connected with the modern didactic inclination to complementary reading of literary and visual texts, the author emphasizes the question of the awareness of an artwork, referring to Martin ... -
Naukowe podstawy dydaktyki polonistycznej, czyli syndrom Maklakiewicza
(2010)The author expresses the opinion about the shaky status of the scientific basis of literary didactics. That wide domain consists of the elements of many various branches of science which are now in a process of changing ... -
Praktyka i teoria akademickiego kształcenia polonistów – refleksja o dydaktyce na studiach doktoranckich
(2010)The author highlights the changes in the conditions of studying in postgraduate studies and the variety of students’ profiles. On the basis of the analysis of the subject literature and the survey answers, she introduces ... -
Kształcenie nauczycieli do nowych zadań: przygotowanie uczniów do życia w społeczeństwie informacyjnym
(2010)The paper discusses some aspects of educating teachers to take on new assignments, namely to prepare students to live in the information society. The first part of the paper presents essential information on the information ... -
Nowe tendencje w edukacji ikonicznej
(2010)The publication outlines the concept of iconic education on the level of elementary and secondary school. This idea is based on anthropological, inter-disciplinary understanding of the picture as well as on the tendency ... -
Rozwój badań nad rolą nowych mediów w kształceniu polonistycznym
(2010)The new media, in other words informatic, satellite, cable, telecommunication, telematic nets and multimedia are of great importance in education, but the investigation of their role in teaching Polish is only about to ... -
Jan Kulpa jako pedagog i dydaktyk
(2010)The author of the article discusses the biography and works of Professor Dr. Hab. Jan Kulpa, one of the first academic employees of the Literature and Polish Language Didactics Department of the Higher School of Pedagogy ... -
Przestrzeń wolności i odpowiedzialności w pracy naukowo-dydaktycznej Władysława Szyszkowskiego
(2010)This article presents various spheres of scientific-didactic activity of Władysław Szyszkowski in the period of the People’s Republic of Poland. The article outlines the political context, which significantly limited the ... -
Antropologia literacka jako perspektywa dla dydaktyki polonistycznej
(2010)The text indicates literary anthropology as a method offering Polish studies at school interpretation tools adequate to after-modern cultural conditions. However, the structural paradigm of the humanities is recognized ... -
Twórcy - dzieła - uczniowie. Tradycje praktyki polonistycznej a wyzwania współczesności
(2010)In the article, the author considers three areas of challenge in the modern theory and practice of literary-cultural education, determined by the character of civilizational-cultural transformations: 1/ the educational ... -
Antropologiczny wymiar tradycji i współczesności
(2010)The purpose of this article is to draw attention to activities, research and publications of academics from the Literature and Polish Language Didactics Department of the Pedagogical University of Cracow, which have been ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 79. Studia at Didacticam Litterarum Polonarum et Linguae Polonae Pertinentia 2
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2010)Niezależnie od ewentualnych i pewnie uzasadnionych domniemywań, iż poprzez prezentację niniejszego zbioru chodzi nam głównie o zademonstrowanie lokalnego, typowo krakowskiego, by nie powiedzieć – galicyjskiego upodobania ... -
Z zagadnień budowania katedr
(2010)Using the polysemy of the word, the author of the article sketches an analogy between building the mediaeval cathedrals and building university chairs. The similarity of both processes is noticeable in the existence of ... -
Tożsamość metodyki
(2010)The article fits well the framework of the conference: the author continues the noble tradition of the 1970s when the Polish language teaching evolved as an independent subdiscipline. Having shaken off the burden of ... -
Konie i detektywi. Szkolne perspektywy refleksji nad mechanizmami powstawania i oddziaływania literackiej opowieści
(2010)The article presents the methodology of working on a literary text in the higher-secondary school. By making his starting point reading of a fragment of a well-known novel, The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco, the author ... -
Dydaktyka literatury polskiej i języka polskiego – nauce i szkole
(2010)Didactics of Polish language and literature is based on many disciplines. It joins science and methodology, and they complement each other. Whoever wants to follow this complex and syncretic discipline has to be both a ...