2005, Studia ad Institutionem et Educationem Pertinentia 1: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 21
Mamy pamiętać, czy czas zapomnieć? Wartości edukacyjne obrazu Jana Matejki "Jan Kochanowski nad zwłokami Urszulki"
(2005)In the 19th century, art was perceived as a source of values: cognitive, educational, and educative. This is how one should look at the famous painting by Jan Matejko - “Jan Kochanowski over Urszulka’s Dead Body”, though ... -
O zabawie i zabawkach
(2005)Whereas play has accompanied man from the beginning of humanity, information about toys is later. Approaches to play can be divided into psychological and cultural ones. Play influences man’s personality, societies and ... -
Rozwój dziecka w rodzinie
(2005)Child development is conditioned by intentional custodial and educational influence of the family. First and foremost, it conveys the values, moral norms, behavioural patterns, and cultural and religious customs of the ... -
W nurcie przeobrażeń i deformacji nauki historycznej w Polsce po 1945 roku
(2005)European changes in the education and school systems are a result of the development needs of the particular states and countries. In Poland, after the end of World War II, these domains of life constituted priorities ... -
Problemy narracji historycznej. Dyskusje na Powszechnych Zjazdach Historyków Polskich (do 1939 r.)
(2005)General Conventions of Polish Historians used to be, and still are, prestigious events in the academic life of the historian circles. Until 1939, representatives of Klio convened six times. At the congresses, 350 papers ... -
Między wychowaniem narodowym a wychowaniem państwowym w programach nauczania historii szkoły powszechnej (1918-1939)
(2005)In the Polish state reborn in 1918, there were formed two major tendencies in education: national and Christian upbringing, and democratic and civil one. Initially, the ideology of national education that was formed ... -
Georg-Siegfried Kawerau jako prekursor współczesnej dydaktyki historii
(2005)Georg-Siegfried Kawerau (1886-1936) was the co-founder and one of the chief representatives of the German pedagogy and didactics of history of the times of the Weimar Republic. Ideologically connected with social-democracy, ... -
Szkoła Szymona Askenazego
(2005)Szymon Askenazy (1865-1935) was not only a prominent researcher of the history of Poland in the 18th and 19th centuries, but also a great university teacher. As a docent (since 1897), then university professor (since ... -
Kazimierz Franciszek Stęplowski o nauczaniu historii
(2005)Kazimierz Franciszek Stęplowski (1700-1772), a teacher in the academic colonies, professor and nine-time Rector of the Cracovian University contributed to popularising history teaching. In 1762, in the project on improvement ... -
Aktualne problemy integracji szkolnej dzieci imigrantów w państwach Unii Europejskiej
(2005)The escalating immigration processes in the united Europe force the individual states, as well as the authorities of the European Union, to create conditions for foreigners to integrate with the local population. An ... -
Żydowska prasa zawodowa i jej rola w rozwoju aktywności społeczno-gospodarczej kupców i rzemieślników małopolskich w okresie międzywojennym
(2005)The article is a review of the Jewish professional press which was published in Western Małopolska in 1918-1939. Two most serious publications of the Jewish merchant and craftsmen associations, i.e. Przegląd Kupiecki ... -
Zarys dziejów krynickiego sportu
(2005)Beginnings of sport in Krynica are connected with gymnastics, cycling, swimming and tennis; disciplines that were organised for the summer spa clients there. An important role in promoting sports activities was played ... -
Przodujący uczniowie, studenci i robotnicy - zlot młodzieży w Krakowie, lipiec 1973 roku
(2005)In the first half of the nineteen seventies, there was a noticeable improvement of the standard of living of the Polish society. The ruling elite, headed by Edward Gierek, using callously contracted foreign loans, brought ... -
Nauczycielstwo krakowskie wobec zmian w oświacie (1944-1948)
(2005)Still before the end of World War II, at the District School Office in Kraków, drafts of educational reforms were being prepared. The most important ones were the studies by Karol Ziarno and Włodzimierz Gałecki, which ... -
Z dziejów związków filozofii i pedagogiki w Polsce w latach 1900-1939
(2005)The article deals with the mutual relationships between philosophy and pedagogy in Poland in the years 1900-1939, which were demonstrated on three planes conventionally called institutional, opinion-making and theoretical. ... -
Wkład teoretyków i praktyków obcych i polskich w rozwój badań psychologicznych nad dzieckiem (na przełomie XIX i XX wieku)
(2005)At the break of the 19th/20th century, the world achievements in the field of research into child development set the beginning of formulation of the functions and tasks of the preschool education on the territory of ...