Przeglądaj 2008, Studia Philosophica 4 według tytułu
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-15 z 15
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 53. Studia Philosophica 4
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2008) -
Cel wczesnej filozofii Wittgensteina
(2008)The aim of this essay is to answer the question why early Wittgenstein understands philosophy as the critique of the language. Why does he leave no place for metaphysics? The ground source for the inquiry is his “Tractatus” ... -
Forma logiczna i przedmioty. Spór Wittgensteina z Russellem
(2008)I start with the observation that the concept of ‘logical form’ appears in Russell’s theory of judgment because its previous versions needed some corrections. This theory, known as so called multiple relation theory of ... -
Honor i godność jako kategorie etyczne - rozważania filozofów polskich XX wieku
(2008)The article presents the attempts to replace the category of honour with the category of dignity, made by the Polish ethicists of the 20th century. The emphasis is put on the ideological dimension of these trials. The ... -
Joga w Bhagawadgicie - jedna czy wiele metod wiodących do wyzwolenia?
(2008)The paper undertakes the analysis of the methods of spiritual growth, called the paths of Yoga, presented in Bhagavadgita, a philosophical episode of the greatest Indian epos Mahabhdrata. It starts with a short ... -
Klasyfikacja nauk
(2008)The article begins with the critique of the neopositivist classification of sciences and concludes with a presentation of an improved classification. In the critical part it is shown that the neopositivist classification ... -
Michel Henry i jego fenomenologia życia
(2008)The article is an introduction into the ideas of a French philosopher, Michel Henry, not widely known in Poland. The author narrows the subject of the article to the analysis of those aspects of Henry’s philosophy that ... -
Pogranicza rozumu skończonego. Absurd i sens w filozofii Alberta Camusa
(2008)The article concerns the problem of reason in Albert Camus’s philosophy of absurd. The author clarifies the terminology by pointing out that Camus puts in opposition two types of reason: the human reason, conscious of ... -
Rilke, teoria twórczości. Pierwsze rozpoznania
(2008)The reflections originate with Rilke’s poem Handinneres and the discussion of its translations. The translators (M. Hamburger, M. Jastrun, B. Antochowicz, and A. Pomorski) miss the sense of the poem, remaining faithful ... -
Sztuka jako przedmiot konieczny filozofii w rozważaniach Georga Wilhelma Friedricha Hegla
(2008)The article concerns the elementary question in Hegel’s philosophical system, i.e. art being present in the process of birth of a philosophical consciousness and philosophy itself. As a sign of human activity, art enables ... -
W stronę filozoficznego maksymalizmu. O filozofii Wincentego Lutosławskiego
(2008)In the article the crucial elements of Wincenty Lutoslawski’s philosophy are explicated: spiritualism, eleutherism, pluralism, and messianism. Lutosławski wished to incorporate his philosophical maximalism into the ... -
Wittgenstein o arbitralności reguł
(2008)The article is an attempt at interpretation of Wittgenstein’s remarks on the arbitrariness of grammar rules. In the very beginning it is pointed out that a wrong understanding of his words leads to a faulty conclusion ... -
Wyjątkowość, przygodność, uniwersalizm
(2008)The aim of all scientific activity is formulation of general truths, which concern the greatest possible number of entities. Scientific cognitive activity is thus concentrated on what is typical and standard in entities, ... -
Z modernistycznej filozofii człowieka
(2008)The article shows certain elements of the philosophy of man in Polish modernism at the turn of the 20th century. It is noticed that there are clear analogies between the assumptions of Polish modernism and existential ... -
Znaczenie, znaczenia. Elementy filozofii języka Romana Ingardena na tle sporów o teorię znaczenia
(2008)The article presents the most important concepts of meaning, formulated in the history of philosophy, and points to the difficulties that the concepts encounter. Against this background, the author sketches the position ...