Czasopisma Naukowe: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 981-1000 z 8723
Il Signor Sienkiewicz (sprawozdanie)
(2021) -
Z dziejów recepcji Luisa Vaz de Camõesa w Polsce: Adam Bełcikowski czyta Luzjady
(2021)The paper presents Adam Bełcikowski’s study about Os Lusíadas by Luis Vaz de Camões. Bełcikowski’s text was issued in „Nowa Reforma” in Krakow (1891, nos. 26–27, 29–32, 35–37), soon after the release of the translation ... -
Dziewiętnastowieczne wydania polskich przekładów pism Świętej Teresy z Ávili
(2021)From the 1840’s to the end of the 19th century more than twenty editions of Polish translations of texts by Saint Teresa of Ávila, as well as the ones attributed to her, were released. It was attempted to popularise her ... -
Uprowadzanie mieszkańców Rzeczypospolitej do niewoli przez Tatarów i Turków w oczach siedemnastowiecznych pamiętnikarzy
(2021)In the 17th century, both the Turks and (much more often) the Tatars invaded Poland. According to historians, the Tatars in particular treated the Polish Republic as an area of economic exploitation. Its most severe form ... -
O wierszach jak abanicos. Hiszpańskie tropy w poezji Alfreda Marka Wierzbickiego
(2021)Poetry by Alfred Marek Wierzbicki emphasises conspicuous travel routes, so poems inspired by particular places are easily extractable. By analysing poetic images showing Spain and Latin American countries, the author ... -
Reportaż magiczny? Uwagi o Wszystkich zajęciach Yoirysa Manuela Adama Kwaśnego
(2021)Wszystkie zajęcia Yoirysa Manuela [All occupations of Yoirys Manuel] by Adam Kwaśny (2017) is acollection of stories about the inhabitants of the city of Trinidad in Cuba, which can be read as an attempt to look for a ... -
Córki powietrza. Sen Balladyny: Calderón spotyka Słowackiego w polu literackim, czyli hiszpańsko-polska comedia colaborada XXI wieku
(2021)Literary relations between Poland and Spain are not only the subject of some purely theoretical considerations of this essay, but also a space for creative practice within the literary field, in the sense proposed by ... -
Las polacas w Buenos Aires: prostytutki w historii i kulturze
(2021)The article discusses the literary and cultural uses of so-called white slavery – the prostitution and pimping in the Americas (especially in South America) of women from Eastern Europe at the turn of the 19th and 20th ... -
Królestwo Boże (Józefa Czapskiego podróż do Hiszpanii w roku 1930)
(2021)The author of the article describes a trip to Spain made by Józef Czapski in 1930. This outstanding painter and essayist, witness to the Katyń massacre, co-creator of the Parisian magazine Kultura [Culture] and Polish ... -
Brazylijski rejs „Lwowa” na łamach „Świata” i „Tygodnika Ilustrowanego”
(2021)The aim of this article is to compare the modelling of media and memoir coverage of the Brazilian voyage of the “Lviv” in 1923 in two popular illustrated cultural magazines of the interwar period: Świat and Tygodnik ... -
Ekspresja i empatia. Tauromachia okiem Reymonta (Los toros)
(2021)Reymont wrote the short story, Los toros,in the year 1907 after coming back from Spain, where he witnessed a corrida in San Sebastián. The choice of the genre was intentional. The writer used it to reflect the realities ... -
Madryckie place w relacjach wybranych polskich podróżników w XIX i na początku XX wieku
(2021)This article presents the perception of Madrid squares as viewed by Polish travellers in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The squares functioned for centuries as key areas of acity, both for the residents and visitors. ... -
António Feijó i Leopold Staff – poetyckie wizje Orientu na tle polsko-portugalskich relacji literackich i kulturalnych (od parnasizmu do palimpsestu)
(2021)The article aims to discuss the Chinese culture inspirations in Polish and Portuguese modernist poetry. In the context of Polish-Portuguese literary relationships, late Romantic, Symbolic, Parnassianism-related and ... -
Historyk w podróży, czyli Adolfa Pawińskiego wędrówki po Półwyspie Iberyjskim (Hiszpania. Listy z podróży)
(2021)Spain: Adolf Pawiński’s letters from his travels in Spain was written in 1880. We are not dealing with aperieghesis in the nature of a scientific report or asightseeing guide, but with a collection of texts written with ... -
„Hiszpania! Jakież czarodziejskie słowo, jakże uroczo brzmi ten wyraz!” Obraz Hiszpanii na przełomie XIX i XX wieku w polskich listach z podróży
(2021)Modern Polish ideas about the Iberian Peninsula can often be summarised in slogans: azure sky, beautiful women, bullfighting, Don Quixote from La Mancha. Has this image of Spain been with us for centuries, or has it been ... -
Korrida i karliści. Wspomnienia Piotra Falkenhagena-Zaleskiego z podroży do Hiszpanii (1843)
(2021)Among the accounts of travels in Spain in the 1st half of the 19th century, there is a rather unknown memoir of Piotr Falkenhagen-Zaleski, written on the basis of his 1843 experiences. This exceptionally capable and ... -
„Polska Południa”? Wizerunek Portugalii w Czterech powstaniach Karola Hoffmana
(2021)The aim of this article is to analyse the image of Portugal as presented by Karol Hoffman in his book Cztery powstania czyli krótki wykład sposobów jakimi dobijały się o niepodległość Grecja, Holandia, Portugalia i Polska ...