Browsing by Subject "safety"
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Bezpieczeństwo drogowe w transporcie publicznym (na przykładzie Krakowa)
(2023-03-30)Przyspieszające tempo suburbanizacji oraz zjawisko urbanspawl wpływa na zwiększenie potrzeb przewozowych oraz zintensyfikowanie wykorzystania indywidualnych środków transportu. Mobilność staje się jednym z głównych ... -
Is contemporary food safe?
(2013)Food and water are necessary to keep the human body functioning. People must have a balanced diet that includes a complex range of nutrients to provide energy, maintain health and resist disease. For a long time researchers ... -
Kłopotliwe sąsiedztwo: strategia polskich elit politycznych wobec Ukrainy
(2015)The publication Troubling Neighbourhood: political strategy of Polish political elites on Ukraine (Kłopotliwe sąsiedztwo: polityczna strategia polskich elit politycznych wobec Ukrainy) brings closer problems and challenges ... -
„Niebieskie Karty” a bezpieczeństwo w rodzinie. Założenia, statystyki, perspektywy
(2019)To provide the citizens safety is one of the most important state’s tasks. Despite that family integrity is protected by the constitutional norms, the country should react to threats of danger in a family undoubtedly. ... -
Security in Local, European and Global Education
(2014)People are limited in their action trying to sort out the reality and act according to the preestablished plan. When they lack the stability, they begin reacting instinctively because of the feeling the fear. The development ... -
Sposoby zabezpieczania komputerów przed dostępem dzieci i młodzieży do stron niepożądanych
(2013)Parents may, and should, have control over the access to undesirable content that children and youth may have while using the Internet. Unattended, children may not even be aware of the fact that they have come across ... -
The European dimension of safety online - the directions of the international programmes to strenghten the safety of children and teenagers on the Internet
(2012)Satisfying the need of safety is particularly important in the process of socialisation of children and teenagers. The need of creating a safe and friendly environment online has recently emerged due to the fact that ... -
Współczesne zagrożenia dla bezpieczeństwa państwa polskiego w cyberprzestrzeni
(2019)Technology development is a fact, that all the people are dealing with nowadays. When the new spare of activity of the cyberspace came up, the new risks shows up, and people have to deal with it, even if we don’t know ...