Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-2 z 2

    • Chosen topics of supporting persons with a disability. vol. 4, Towards questions and answers about human well-being 

      Kopeć, Danuta; Hathazi, Andrea; Galkienė, Alvyra; Olszewski, Sławomir; Konieczna, Iwona; Stančič, Zrinjka; Lisak, Natalija; Matejčič, Klara; Serban, Ioana-Letitia; Pall, Mirabela-Ramona; Frączek, Bożena; Gagat-Matuła, Anna; Minczakiewicz, Elżbieta Maria; Krahulcová, Kristýna (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2018)
      This book is another, already fourth, volume of the “Chosen topics of supporting persons with a disability” series. This time the main topic focusing the presented articles is human well-being. Posing questions about ...
    • Financial support dedicated to families with autistic children in Poland 

      Frączek, Bożena; Gagat-Matuła, Anna (2018)
      Effective treatment, therapy and rehabilitation in autism generate the different kind of high costs and require the multidimensional support, including financial support. In Poland there are different forms of financial ...