Now showing items 1-10 of 48
Ferroelektryczność niobianów
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2007)
Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie w latach 1982-1996 : praca zbiorowa
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 1996)
Otrzymywanie ferroelektrycznych ceramik o dużej gęstości
The method of hot pressing permits to obtain the ceramics of high density.
It consist in simulate neons application of high temperature and pressure on charge made of pressed powder.
The authors elaborated several devices ...
Cyfrowy teslomierz hallotronowy
The block diagram of the digital Hall – effect teslometer intended to the fast determination of magnetic induction
is presented and its functioning is described.
Its possible application and some characteristics B(x) ...
Low frequency admittance measurements of polycrystalline sodium niobate
Complex admittance measurements for the polycrystalline sample of sodium niobate with nonstoichiometric
composition has been carried out at very low frequencies with the help of direct phase-amplitude method. Results ...
Effect of compressive stress on dielectric and ferroelectric properties of 0.25PSN-0.75PLuN ceramics
The PSN-PLuN solid solutions have been prepared in the whole composition range for the first time. The
dielectric, pyroelectric and hysteresis loops measurements of the 0.25PSN-0.75PLuN ceramics stress-free or under
the ...
Electrical properties of $Na_{0.98}Li_{0.02}NbO_3$ under axial pressure in phase transition region
The measurements of electric properties of $Na_{0.98}Li_{0.02}NbO_3$ ceramics for stress-free or samples under
stress have been carried out. It was found that incorporation of Li-cations (2% mol) in antiferroelectric ...
Dielectric properties of $Li_{0.003}Na_{0.997}NbO_3$ ceramics
Temperature, frequency and time dependencies of dielectric permittivity and pyroelectric current of $Li_{0.003}Na_{0.997}NbO_3$ ceramics have been presented. Investigation of the pyroeffect reveals the existence of the ...
Investigation of dielectric properties of $Li_xNa_{1−x}NbO_3$ ceramics for x = 1 and x = 4
The a.c. electrical response of $Li_xNa_{1−x}NbO_3$ (LNN) solid solution in low frequency range (100 Hz–20 kHz) has been analysed as a function of temperature (300 K–750 K). A complex picture of the dependence of the ...