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dc.contributor.authorPuchowski, Kazimierzpl_PL
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 77, Studia ad Institutionem et Educationem Pertinentia 2 (2010), s. [73]-76pl_PL
dc.descriptionDokument cyfrowy wytworzony, opracowany, opublikowany oraz finansowany w ramach programu "Społeczna Odpowiedzialność Nauki" - modułu "Wsparcie dla bibliotek naukowych" przez Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego w projekcie nr rej. SONB/SP/465103/2020 pt. "Organizacja kolekcji czasopism naukowych w Repozytorium UP wraz z wykonaniem rekordów analitycznych".pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe author of the article presents his years-long cooperation with the academic circles of Cracow. Since 1985, in the libraries and archives of Cracow, he has conducted research into historical education in Jesuit colleges of Poland, and then into the history of education of political elites in noblemen colleges (Collegia Nobilium) in the Enlightenment. During his post-graduate training, the author was under competent and kind-hearted scientific protection of Professor Zygmunt Ruta, whose advice he received with attention and diligence. Professor Ruta’s magnificent jubilee in January 2009 made his ex-protégé realize how indebted he is to Professor himself and the staff of his Chair: but for Cracow, the author would not have become a doctor and doctor habilis. The author recalls excellent scientists, among others, the late Tadeusz Słowikowski – the co-creator of the Polish theory of historical education and a historian of education; Czesław Majorek – a distinguished historian of education (reviewer of the author’s doctoral dissertation); the Jesuits Bronisław Natoński and Ludwik Piechnik – remarkable researchers into the history of Jesuit schools. In Cracow, the author cooperated with two different kinds of scientific circles: the secular spheres and those connected with the Jesuits. This allowed him to listen to arguments of both sides and to discuss many disputable issues, to gradually develop his own image of the history of the Jesuit schools in old Poland. Cracow teaches young historians humanism, thorough research work, scientific modesty, humbleness and courage to fight stereotypes, formulating opinions, and critical view of the sources and historiography. Cracow masters of history of education, owing to their talents, knowledge, professionalism and kindness, created valuable models for understanding and practising this discipline, which benefit researchers from various centres, among others, from Gdańsk.en_EN
dc.description.sponsorshipDokument cyfrowy wytworzony, opracowany, opublikowany oraz finansowany w ramach programu "Społeczna Odpowiedzialność Nauki" - modułu "Wsparcie dla bibliotek naukowych" przez Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego w projekcie nr rej. SONB/SP/465103/2020 pt. "Organizacja kolekcji czasopism naukowych w Repozytorium UP wraz z wykonaniem rekordów analitycznych".pl_PL
dc.titleKrakowska szkoła historyków edukacji w ostatnich dekadach XX wieku. Rekonesans gdańszczaninapl_PL
dc.title.alternativeCracow school of history of education in the last decades of the 20th century. A Gdansk-citizen’s reconnaissanceen_EN

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