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dc.contributor.authorSkubisz, Jolantapl_PL
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 302, Studia de Securitate 10 (1) (2020), s. [179]-198pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe thought of the need to shape the vision of the future student developed and develops in Poland among many philosophers, educators and sociologists. Already Bogdan Suchodolski, the author of the “concept of education for the future” pointed out that the main goal of the school’s activity should be education for the future, which is also valid today. Bearing in mind the above message, it should be noted that the contemporary politically ideologized educational system does not encourage students to “think” about their future, about safe prospects for the development of personal and social competences, where aggression and violence still appear. From the review and analysis of the scientific literature devoted to contemporary school education and its safety as well as teachers, we can distinguish many visions and theories of educational changes. However, none of them refers to the value of systemic school security and the future paradigm of safe upbringing and pedagogy as well as apolitical and apart-education education. And yet, as it is widely recognized and declared, the issue of school security as an upbringing and educational process has the character of a constitutional dimension, and also the status of one of the elements of national, internal, social and public security. Thus, it becomes a challenge for the modern school to respond – to all types of threats not only typical (aggression, violence, etc.) for the school and students, but also to ideological, political and educational risks. Well, the answer to this issue is to properly orient the vision of school organization towards multi-faceted, systemic shaping of the value of security and its understanding through new program-organizational institutional forms, as well as legal guarantees of educational security (e.g. final educational referendums) in both educational and intra-school space, extracurricular and virtual. Therefore, the aim also the task of the article is to attempt to define the framework of the system vision of realizing the idea of security within the future educational system.en_EN
dc.subjectszkoła przyszłościpl_PL
dc.subjectbezpieczeństwo ucznia przyszłościpl_PL
dc.subjectbezpieczeństwo nauczyciela przyszłościpl_PL
dc.subjectfuture schoolen_EN
dc.subjectfuture student safetyen_EN
dc.subjectfuture teacher safetyen_EN
dc.titleBezpieczeństwo w szkole przyszłości – wizja zmian współczesnej rzeczywistości edukacyjnej w Polscepl_PL
dc.title.alternativeSafety in the school of the future – a vision of changes in contemporary educational reality in Polanden_EN

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