Powietrzem tknięty. Zarazy i klęski żywiołowe w świadomości społecznej czasów saskich
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Popiołek, Bożena
Źródło: Epidemie w dziejach Europy. Konsekwencje społeczne, gospodarcze i kulturowe / redakcja naukowa Krzysztof Polek, Łukasz Tomasz Sroka. - Kraków : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, 2016. - S. 220-[228]
Język: pl
Data: 2016
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
In the mentality of the society of the Baroque, health was generally regarded as one of
the basic values and the highest welfare to man. Disease and natural disasters were seen
as the result of God’s wrath against sinful humanity and they were a regular part of the
mentality of the people of this era.
In the moment of a real threat, most people gave in to collective psychosis of fear, easily
succumbing to manipulation, which often resulted in aggressive behaviour against the
alleged perpetrators – Jews, vagabonds, and all sorts of sinners. The collective aggression
was often directed against these groups in the case of epidemics.