Genezowanie bezpieczeństwa
Oglądaj/ Otwórz
Falecki, Janusz
Źródło: Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 266, Studia de Securitate 9 (1) (2019), s. [135]-146
Język: pl
Słowa kluczowe:
bezpieczeństwostan bezpieczeństwa
proces bezpieczeństwa
badanie bezpieczeństwa
security state
security process
studying security
analyzing evolution of security
Data: 2019
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
Pursuing security, i.e. the expected state, free from threats requires conducting scientific
research, which show that security undergoes dramatic changes , is a complex and intricate
matter to study and it is not possible to capture its objective state without analyzing
its genesis. Since security is characterized by certain continuity and occurring tendencies, it
is necessary, while analyzing its present situation, to consider past phenomena, determinants
and tendencies which influence the reality. While studying the present state or process or the
flow of that process or conditions determining the present situation, naturally considering
new, previously unknown occurrences. The aim of the conducted research was defining
the security evolution analysis and its role in security studies. Within the framework of the
research process the following problems were formulated:
1. How to understand the concept of “security”?
2. What is security evolution analysis and its role in security studies?
The answers to the problems were found in the course of the research process which
involve theoretical methods of analysis for studying mainly professional literature. Whereas
prescinding allowed to remove from the research subject area objects of the analysis which
were of little importance for the research and identifying crucial facts, phenomena and
processes to solve complex problems and formulating conclusive remarks. Comparison as
a selection of similarities and differences among the studied objects by referring to another
object was helpful for identifying similarities and differences between the evolution analysis
applied in engineering disciplines and the evolution analysis in security studies. The final
conclusion is that analyzing evolution of security is studying its states and processes which
occurred in a defined time span in the past and influence the presence. Properly conducted
security evolution analysis helps to identify and define reasons for negative states and
processes in the security environment and guarantees accurate diagnosis, which consequently
reduces the mistakes in diagnosis and eliminates those negative phenomena or minimizes
possibility of their occurrence in the future. The results of the analysis of security evolution
are indispensable to present the full security diagnosis. On the basis of, among others, the
security evolution analysis it is possible to project changes of the particular security state
or processes for making more accurate decisions on modifying existing procedures or
creating new ones, methods or organizational structures of entities or systems responsible
for providing security.
Pozycja umieszczona jest w następujących kolekcjach
Powiązane pozycje
Wyświetlanie pozycji powiązanych tytułem, autorstwem i tematem.
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