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dc.contributor.authorKopeć, Rafałpl
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 292, Studia de Securitate 9 (4) (2019), s. [6]-28pl
dc.description.abstractSignificant developments regarding American missile defense have been occurred at the break of 2018/2019. Missile Defense Review, announced by the President Donald Trump on 17 January 2019 is particularly important. The analysis of its conclusions can afford to indicate crucial trends in American missile defense and to estimate possible outcomes, including the influence on global strategic balance of force. These tasks constitute the main purpose of the paper.en
dc.subjectPrzegląd Obrony Przeciwrakietowejpl
dc.subjectobrona przeciwrakietowapl
dc.subjectgwiezdne wojnypl
dc.subjectbroń hipersonicznapl
dc.subjectsensory kosmicznepl
dc.subjectMissile Defense Reviewen
dc.subjectmissile defenseen
dc.subjectstar warsen
dc.subjecthypersonic weaponen
dc.subjectspace sensorsen
dc.titlePowrót „gwiezdnych wojen”? Trendy rozwojowe amerykańskiej obrony przeciwrakietowejpl
dc.title.alternativeThe Return of „Space Wars”? The Trends in Development of US Missile Defenseen

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