Piractwo czy nieformalny obieg książek elektronicznych w Polsce? Próba charakterystyki
Oglądaj/ Otwórz
Górski, Michał
Tomkiewicz, Łukasz
Wajda, Grzegorz
Źródło: Książki w plikach. Publikowanie, udostępnianie i użytkowanie / redakcja naukowa Stanisław Skórka, współpraca Ewa Piotrowska. - Kraków : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, 2021. - S. 21-[41]
Język: pl
Słowa kluczowe:
computer piracy – conditions and opinionshistory of copyright law development
digital books piracy in Poland
Data: 2021
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
The phenomenon commonly called piracy has generated more and more interest in
recent years. The area, at first only known to a small part of the Polish society, has
become common at the beginning of 2012, in connection with the works of the government
on the ratification of ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement). The
activization of a large part of Polish people showed that the issue is not marginal. The
illegal circulation of culture is also an important element of the digital book market
in Poland, especially in the era of common Internet access. Despite holding debates
and making attempts at solving the problem, there are still many aspects of piracy
that are not even clearly defined. This is yet another reason to take a closer look at
this phenomenon.
The article presents the terms connected with the topic of piracy, with special
consideration for digital books. An attempt is also made to distinguish the main
aspects responsible for the development of illegal circulation of culture, as well as
to describe the example methods of combating the phenomenon. In order to explore
this topic, a correlation is made between it and the history of shaping the copyright
laws and the development of the piracy market. Furthermore, various stances on
piracy are presented, including the perspectives of creators and publishers, as well as
recipients of culture.