Zainteresowania szlachty czasów saskich w świetle gazet rękopiśmiennych redagowanych dla Elżbiety Sieniawskiej
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Słaby, Agnieszka
Źródło: Prasa w warsztacie badawczym historyka / pod redakcją naukową Kazimierza Karolczaka i Konrada Meusa. - Kraków : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, 2017. - S. 9-[25]
Język: pl
Słowa kluczowe:
gazeta rękopiśmiennarelacje prasowe
poczta w okresie nowożytnym
czasy saskie
manuscript papers
press releases
post office in the modern times
Saxon times
Data: 2017
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
The aim of the article is to introduce the role of manuscript newspapers in
the population research in early Saxon period, when they constituted one of
the main sources of information. Diversity of themes analyzed in newspapers,
highlighting some of the events, allows for the study of relationships and social
behavior, and attempts to construct the contemporary reception of these
events and messages, the manner of their creation and communication. An
important role in this process played the editors of newspapers being at the
same time their distributors, so in my analysis I also highlighted the role of
this professional group in the dissemination of the press and their cooperation
with the environment of nobles.