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dc.contributor.authorBielska, Magdalenapl
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 91, Studia Politologica 6 (2011), s. [170]-180pl
dc.description.abstractThe article discusses the activity of the „Solidarity” Independent Self-Governing Trade Union at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin in 1980–1989. Actions taken by the said trade union constituted evidence of the existence, in the 1980s, of a civil society, limited in their rights but aware of those rights and ready to seek them. People gathered around the „Solidarity” Trade Union formed a counterweight to the communist leadership team, which sought to prevent the development of a free, informed and independent civil society in which they perceived threat to their dominant position in the country. Public dissatisfaction with the manner of governance by the Communist Party and the continued economic backwardness eventually led to the creation in 1980 of Free and Independent Trade Unions, which drew from the opposition tradition of the Workers’ Defence Committee (Komitet Obrony Robotników, KOR), Movement for Defense of Human and Civic Rights (Ruch Obrony Praw Człowieka i Obywatela, ROPCiO), groups gathered around underground publications as well as the conspiracy ideas of the Home Army. Breaking the barriers of fear ultimately led to discussions at the “Round Table”, which represented a breakthrough and initiated dialogue on the way to an economically, socially and ideologically free society in Poland.en
dc.titleSpołeczeństwo obywatelskie – na przykładzie działań NSZZ „Solidarność” w Uniwersytecie Marii Curie Skłodowskiej w Lublinie w latach 1980–1989pl
dc.title.alternativeManifestations of the functioning of civil society as exemplified by the activity of the „Solidarity” Independent Self-Governing Trade Union at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin in the years 1980–1989en

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