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dc.contributor.authorChrobaczyńska-Plucińska, Edytapl_PL
dc.identifier.citationBezpieczeństwo RP : historia, ekonomia, polityka : studia z zakresu bezpieczeństwa państwa / red. nauk. Andrzej Żebrowski, Andrzej Jaeschke, Robert Kłaczyński. - Kraków : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, 2013. - S. 7-[24].pl_PL
dc.description.abstractIt is widely known that energy security is an element of general state security. In recent years, in Poland a lively debate has been held on shale gas and its possible use in economy. This paper analyses whether the exploitation of Poland’s own unconventional shale gas resources would enable at least partial liberation from the existing energetic links. The paper also concerns the topic of using the shale gas problem in election campaigns by various political parties.en_EN
dc.titleGaz łupkowy a bezpieczeństwo energetyczne Polski : programy wyborcze partii politycznych w roku 2011pl_PL
dc.title.alternativeShale gas and the energy security of Poland : election programmes of political parties in 2011en_EN

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