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dc.contributor.authorKłaczyński, Robertpl_PL
dc.identifier.citationBezpieczeństwo RP : historia, ekonomia, polityka : studia z zakresu bezpieczeństwa państwa / red. nauk. Andrzej Żebrowski, Andrzej Jaeschke, Robert Kłaczyński. - Kraków : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, 2013. - S. 41-[53].pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe article presents a discussion of selected issues in the energy policy conducted by the Polish authorities, issues which the author believes to be crucial at the moment and potentially vital in the future. The text shows in more detail the energy potential of Poland with respect to earth gas, oil and electric energy production, as well as presents the perspectives for the future. It also presents some questions of the chances for nuclear energy development in the country, and is thus inscribed in the ongoing national discussion on this subject. In the paper, the author also touches upon the problem of the exploitation of Poland’s shale gas resources, describing in more detail both the technical aspects and the actual possibilities of production. The author enumerates the opportunities and risks connected with the exploitation of the unconventional gas sources, drawing on the experience of those countries that have been producing shale gas and oil obtained from bituminous shale.en_EN
dc.titleZałożenia, możliwości, perspektywy polskiej polityki energetycznejpl_PL
dc.title.alternativeAssumptions, possibilities and potentials of the Polish energy policyen_EN

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