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dc.contributor.authorŻebrowski, Andrzejpl_PL
dc.identifier.citationBezpieczeństwo RP : historia, ekonomia, polityka : studia z zakresu bezpieczeństwa państwa / red. nauk. Andrzej Żebrowski, Andrzej Jaeschke, Robert Kłaczyński. - Kraków : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, 2013. - S. 100-[122].pl_PL
dc.description.abstractAt present, security must be understood in all spatial dimensions and in a wide, diverse spectrum of problems. Changes that take place in the near and far neighbourhood of a country have a significant effect on its geostrategic position. The turn of the new century marks an evolution in Poland’s geostrategic position, which influences the country’s internal and external security. Poland’s geostrategic position is a difficult one, which has resulted, among others, from the changes in the political conditions and from the breakdown of the socialist block and its associated consequences. Participation in the western political-military and economic structures makes Poland the eastern frontier of not only the EU , but also the NATO. Having non-member states as neighbours situates Poland in the sphere of increased risk. The awareness of the existing threats requires multidimensional efforts, which, taking into account Poland’s geostrategic position, should guarantee the security of its citizens.en_EN
dc.titleEwolucja położenia geostrategicznego Polski na przełomie XX i XXI wiekupl_PL
dc.title.alternativeEvolution of the geostrategic position of Poland at the turn of the 21st centuryen_EN

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