Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny: Recent submissions
Now showing items 321-340 of 3302
Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Z. 190. Prace Filozoficzne 7
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 1997)W niniejszym zeszycie Prac Filozoficznych pomieszczono wybrane teksty nauczycieli akademickich zespołu filozoficznego Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej w Krakowie z dwóch obszarów badawczych: problematyki racjonalizmu i ... -
Connections between Hyers and Lyapunov stability of the ordinary differential equations
(1997)We consider two kinds of stability of the differential equation x' = f(t, x) where f : R[2] —> R is a continuous function, Lipschitzian with respect to the second variable. We prove that the Hyers stability implies the ... -
On a class of linear differential operators of first order with singular point
(1997)The aim of this paper is to give a background to study spectral properties of some operators occurring in differentiall geometry. We deal with the problem of existence and uniqueness of local solutions of partial ... -
On some subsemigroups of the group L[1][8]
(1997)In this paper we generalize the results concerning determination of some form subsemigroups of the group L[1][8]. We show that for s ≥ 4 + 2i there are no subsemigroups Z[1][s,8](f) and T[1][s,8](g). We determine all ... -
The stability of a generalized quadratic functional equation
(1997)In the paper we consider the stability of the functional equation f ( x + y) + f ( x - y) + ||f ( x + y) - f (x - y)||u = 2f(x) + 2f(y), where f : G —> X, X is a normed space, u ϵ X such that ||u|| ≥ 1 and ||u|| ≠ 3 is ... -
Quasi-linear mappings
(1997)Let E[1], E[2] be real normed spaces and let ε ϵ [0,1). The paper deals with the system of inequalities || f(x + y) - f(x) - f(y)|| ≤ ε min{||f(x + y)||,||f(x) + f(y)||} for x , y ϵ E[1], II f(αx) - αf(x)|| ≤ ε min ... -
Generalized convex sets
(1997)In this paper we shall present a definition of convex set with respect to a two-parameter family of functions. It appears that these sets have some properties like convex sets in the usual sense. -
On the convergence of singular integrals of vector-valued functions
(1997)The pointwise convergence of abstract singular convolution integrals K(•,v) * f (x - •) depending on two parameters x,v (x ϵ R, v belongs to a metric space E) is studied. The convergence of the parameters is restricted to ... -
Remarks on real-valued quasi-isometries
(1997)In this paper we consider the class of solutions of the functional inequality | |f(x) - f( y)| - |x – y| | ≤ ε ϵ min{|f(x) - f(y)|,|x - y|}, x, y ϵ R where f : IR -> IR is the unknown function and ε ϵ [0,1). The two ... -
On bounded solutions of a generalized Schilling's problem
(1997)In this note we prove that, under some assumptions on a, b, c, h, g and Q, the zero function is the only solution φ : R → R of the functional equation φ(g(x)) = a(x)φ(h(x)) + b(x)φ(h[-1](x)) + c(x)φ(x), bounded in a ...