Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Prace Geograficzne: Recent submissions
Now showing items 181-200 of 286
Próba określenia wieku beskidzkiej powierzchni zrównania
(1974)Since the uplift of the Beskidy planation surface, the denudation and erosion have re-modelled the relief to its present condition. Basing upon the hypsographic curve according to A.N. Strahler (1950) the author gives ... -
Rola budowy geologicznej w kształtowaniu rzeźby górnej części dorzecza Ropy
(1974)The upper Ropa basin is constituted from the deposits of Gorlice zone of Magura nappe. It is featured by a widely differentiated resistance, from very low (variegated shales) to highly resistant (unseparated Magura ... -
Katastrofalne powodzie w dorzeczu górnej Wisły w latach 1958-1972
(1974)The paper presents the conditions of flood formation and course, giving an example of four greatest floods in the area of the upper Vistula basin during the last fifteen years. Evaluating the above — mentioned floods the ... -
Powodzie w dorzeczu Skawy w ostatnim dwudziestoleciu
(1974)Four disastrous floods have occurred in the Skawa basin within the last twenty years: in June 1958, in July 1960, in July 1970, in August 1972. In his paper the author discusses morphological changes in the Skawa basin ... -
Uwagi o roli murów w modelowaniu rzeźby Karpat
(1974)During the recent twenty years the Carpathians suffered from several floods which in some Carpathian basins were of a disastrous nature. They have not only resulted in relief re-modelling, but caused also enormous damages ... -
Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Z. 55. Prace Geograficzne 6
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 1974) -
Sprawozdanie z praktyki studentów geografii WSP w Krakowie odbytej w NRD we wrześniu 1969 roku
(1971)In September 1969 a group of geography students from the Teachers' Training College of Cracow attended a course for foreign studente in East Germany. The course included a visit to the Baltic Coast, to the Isles of ... -
Sprawozdanie z praktyki studentów geografii WSP odbytej w Związku Radzieckim
(1971)This is a report on the programme and the problems of physical geography in different regions of the USSR presented to the geography students of Cracow by the staff of the Pedagogical Institute in Moscow. The main points ... -
Młodzież wiejska w szkołach średnich regionu krakowskiego
(1971)In 1961 57. 1 p. c. of the over-all number of adolescents of secondary-school age of the region were living in the country. Pupils of peasant origin constituted only 43. 2 p. c. of the secondary-school pupils. Their ... -
Rozpowszechnienie metody problemowej i pracy grupowej wśród nauczycieli geografii okręgu krakowskiego
(1971)The author has presented the results of a questionnaire inquiry made in 1965 among geography teachers of the Cracow School District concerning the dissemination of the problem method and team work among them. The ... -
Wybrane współczesne problemy demograficzne Kolumbii
(1971)The paper presents ananalysis of some of Colombia's demographic problems in the years 1963-1964 and, to some extent, also of the changes which had taken place there in the demographic evolution during the period preceding ... -
Miejsce transportu lotniczego Europy Zachodniej w systemie lotniczym Świata
(1971)The paper entitled "The Place of Western Europe Air Transport in the World Air System" was founded on the anther’s master’s thesis entitled, "The Air traffic of Western Europe”. The thesis has a decidedly wider range ... -
Regiony geograficzno-fizyczne Wenezueli i ich znaczenie gospodarcze
(1971)The author describes the character of the geographic-physical regions of Venezuela, particularly bringing to light the elements of the natural environment which are closely connected with economics and population. So far ... -
Emigracja zagraniczna z powiatu nowosądeckiego w latach 1900-1966
(1971)The article presents the extent and general tendencies of emigration to foreign countries from the district of Nowy Sącz during five historical periods, viz., 1900 - 1913 and 1919 - 1939 (emigration of economic character), ... -
Zagadnienia komunikacji autobusowej w niektórych europejskich krajach socjalistycznych
(1971)The article is concerned with public motor—coach transport in some selected socialist countries (Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Roumania). Two years, 1955 and 1965, hawe been ... -
Niektóre problemy rozwoju radzieckiej Azji środkowej na przykładzie regionu Zerawszańskiego
(1971)In the article the author discusses the crucial geographic and economic problems of the Zeravshan region, comprising the Bukhara and Samarkanda Districts of the Uzbek Sowiet Socialist Republic. -
Formy koncentracji przemysłu w strukturze przestrzennej województwa rzeszowskiego
(1971)Theoretical reflections on various forms of concentration of industry, as well as empirical research, have led the author to conclude that the basic elements of the spacial structure of industry are the industrial works ... -
Przemiany w strukturze społeczno-zawodowej ludności wiejskiej pod wpływem nowych inwestycji przemysłowych (na przykładzie Rybnickiego Okręgu Węglowego)
(1971)In the paper the author concerned herself with the changes occurring in the socio-professional structure of the rural population, considering them as a coefficient of economic and social urbanization. As an example she ... -
Z problematyki urbanizacji wsi podkrakowskiej (wsi powiatu krakowskiego)
(1971)The object of the author’s research has been to analyse the progress of urbanization in the villages round Cracow. Upon examining the differences within the network of rural settlements, the changes in the structure of ... -
Organizacja przestrzenna i działalność instytucji i organizacji usługowych rolnictwa w Tarnobrzeskim Rejonie Siarkowym
(1971)The article presents the results of the author's research carried out in the Tarnobrzeg Sulphur Region (in the District of Tarnobrzeg) on outposts and institutions which attend to agriculture (breeders and planters’ ...