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dc.contributor.authorDługosz, Piotrpl_PL
dc.identifier.citationTransgraniczność w perspektywie socjologicznej : Europa - podzielona wspólnota? / redakcja naukowa Maria Zielińska, Dorota Szaban, Beata Trzop. - Zielona Góra : Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, 2018. - S. [389]-407. (Transgraniczność w perspektywie socjologicznej. Seria Monograficzna ; T. 10)pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe article presents the results of research conducted among Ukrainian students studying in Poland and Ukraine. The aim of the research was to determine the attitude of Ukrainian youth towards the process of European integration. 365 Ukrainian students studying in Poland and 318 students studying in Ukraine took part in the study. It was observed that the process of Europeanisation is perceived by the students as a chance to reduce the civilization gap by Ukraine. Nonetheless, certain diff erences between both of the groups emerge. The students studying in Poland stress the fact that due to Europeanisation, the morality of Ukrainian society will be strengthened. Youth studying in Ukraine expect improvement in the quality of life and economic standing in their country. All the respondents support Ukrainian integration into European Union. The approval of Ukraine joining NATO is lower.en_EN
dc.subjecteuropeanisation of Ukraineen_EN
dc.subjecteuropean integrationen_EN
dc.subjectlife valuesen_EN
dc.subjectsystem orientationsen_EN
dc.titleStosunek ukraińskich studentów studiujących na Ukrainie i w Polsce do europeizacjipl_PL
dc.title.alternativeThe attitude of ukrainian students studying in Ukraine and Poland to europeanisationen_EN

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