Powiązania produkcyjne zachodniokrakowskiego kompleksu przemysłowego
Oglądaj/ Otwórz
Pakuła, Lech
Źródło: Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1964, Z. 22, Prace Geograficzne 3, s. [165]-190
Język: pl
Data: 1964
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
The present article is a fragment of a comprehensive work entitled "Kształtowanie się i struktura Zachodnio-
Krakowskiego Kompleksu Przemysłowego" (The Formation and Structure of West-Kraków Industrial Complex) which is a
study of intricate processes of various qualitatively differing forms of industrial concentration. Alongside with
the progressing concentration on the studied area interrelations of different character were growing up.
Industrial production ties on the entire area are considered in the article with the view of providing a measure of
value. (Table I ). As much as 31% of general value in the space structure determined on the ground of supply take
origin from the area in question, this is a proof of strong internal ties, which is known to be the most essential
characteristic of an industrial complexe. The interrelations of industries on the area with in the scope of sale
and supply are shown in their quantitative and distribution aspect for the principal industrial branches i. e. coal
mining: zinolead, metal, chemical, and mineral industries.
The annexed statistic and cartographic analyses show that the supply of the area and of Śląsk is dependent on
the local industry of the studied area, while in the matter of sale - the area is related with Śląsk and the west
part of Poland.