Starzenie się ludności wiejskiej a emigracja ze wsi (na przykładzie rolniczego powiatu proszowickiego)
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Prochownik, Amalia
Źródło: Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1964, Z. 22, Prace Geograficzne 3, s. [213]-243
Język: pl
Data: 1964
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
The subject of the author's considerations is the problem of ageing of the population in villages of Proszowice
district in the Cracov voivodship during the post war period.
The process of ageing of countryside population is connected with a considerable outflow of productive age
inhabitants tо the Recovered territories and also to towns in the period of 1945-1949 which was followed by a
subsequent outflow of workers to industrialising centres, and of the young generation to schools: it was also
affected by a diminished birth - rate.
Emigration and low birth - rate were the cause of a considerable growth of the percentage of postproducing age
population and a concomitant rise of the old age factor: in result of the above the husbandry labour fund in
Proszowice district declined and the mechanization of its farming was hampered.