Struktura i kierunki przewozów towarowych kolejami PKP województwa rzeszowskiego w 1930 i 1960 roku
Oglądaj/ Otwórz
Kozanecka, Maria
Źródło: Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1964, Z. 22, Prace Geograficzne 3, s. [311]-336
Język: pl
Data: 1964
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
The article contains a comprehensive study of goods railway transport in Rzeszów voivodship. For a comparative
review are taken the years 1930 and 1960.
Regional transport is considered separately and in correlation with other regions of the country, and also from the
point of view of its place in the foreign export and import. The structure of consignments and receipts and the
direction of transport is shown on the background of the specific regional economic pattern. In the two reviewed
years the principal item of consignment structure were such goods as timber, wodd-ware and also crude oil, and
oil p roducts. In 1960 when the general consignment tonnage had increased nearly four fold, in th e consignment
structure was stated a considerable growth of such items as metal and metal products and of othrr groups in which
mechanical products were also included. This obviously can be considered as the reflection of the general trend of
economic development of the region.
The general transport activity of the voivodship grew more than 6 times larger in comparison w ith its former
state. The interregional transport directions in th e examined years remained unaltered. Most important for Rzeszów
voivodship is the intercourse with voivodships lying to its west.