Próba charakterystyki regionu Pirenejów Francuskich
Oglądaj/ Otwórz
Wrzosek, Antoni
Źródło: Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1964, Z. 22, Prace Geograficzne 3, s. [385]-412
Język: pl
Data: 1964
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
In the first part of the article the author gives a brief review of the most distinctive features of the
French Pyrenees geographic environment. He mentions such characteristics as the size and the number of post-glacial
lakes; the principal traits of the landscape sculpture; the character and the regional differences of climate and
vegetable belts.
Next is given a concise account of the most important ethnic groups in the N. Pyreneen area followed by a
characteristic of fundamental economic conditions viewed in historical perspective. The following problems are
discussed: - that of water power and the development of its application the beginning and developmend of crude oil
and ground gas exploitation in the mountain foreland: also the exploitation of other mineral riches (iron ore, zinc
lead, bauxite, talcum) on which industrial progress is based. As at present tourism has become another important
contribution to the growth of economic prosperity, the author turns his attention to mineral water sources and
the growth of Pyreneean watering places; mineral waters being the first element in the valorization of a touristic
region. Next he passes over to a characteristic of seaside resorts and of the revered pilgrimage centre - Lourdes.
Finally is given an estimation of the advantages of the Pyrenees for high-mountain climbing, motoring and cave
tourism: some important numbers illustrate touristic frequency in health resorts by departments, foreign attendance
being considered distinctively. In conclusion is given an estimation of the position held by the Pyrenees in the
total touristic circulation in France.