Pokaż uproszczony rekord

dc.contributor.authorJarowiecki, Jerzypl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1964, Z. 22, Prace Geograficzne 3, s. [515]-528pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe author presents the dynamic growth of students spontaneous scientific studies (out of curriculum requirement) which took place in the scientific Circle of the WSP (Higher Pedagogical School in 1950-1962). Various forms of the Circle’s activity are shown. Originally the program was focused on the enlargement of knowledge and discussions on general world outlook; next was begun work in specialised sections (e.g. physical geography, economic g.; and the beginning of independent scientific work was thus laid down. In the course of the first years were made trial reviews of scientific problems on the basis of special literature; later, on gaining a certain amount of experience, field investigations were begun the results of which were discussed at the fourtnightly plenary meetings of the Circle, and also with success at genera polish seminars and scientific congresses. This progress was clearly also due to the heads of geography chairs suggesting the direction of the Circle's investigations. A considerably large group of outstanding students, members of the Circle, were later engaged as assistants in the Higher Pedagogical School and in other higher establishments. Abundant concrete example serve to illustrate the author's conclusions.en_EN
dc.titleKształtowanie się pozaprogramowego naukowego ruchu studentów geografii w latach 1950-1962pl_PL
dc.title.alternativeShaping of geography students spontaneus scientific interest in 1950-1962en_EN

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Pokaż uproszczony rekord