Zmiany pokrywy leśnej na obszarze powiatu gorlickiego
Oglądaj/ Otwórz
Lach, Jan
Źródło: Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1968, Z. 30, Prace Geograficzne 4, s. 63-[73]
Język: pl
Data: 1968
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
Upon the basis of extensive field work as well as statistical and cartographic material the author has examined the
changes taking place in the distribution of wood assemblages and their composition and the effect of human activity
upon the contemporary situation in wood vover, upon the example of the District of Gorlice.
The location of wood areas is independent of the inclination of slopes and of their height above sea level.
Simultaneously, a certain dependence upon exposition is observed. The effect of exposition is particularly revealed
in the location of the primordial fir-and-beech woods. The woods show a predominance of conifers, the largest areas
being occupied by pine, fir, and beech trees.
The intensification of human activity led up not only to reduce the wooded areas on the territory ot the Gorlice
district, but also brought about the change in the species composition of the tree cover as well as changes in the
physical and chemical processes, which bas been reflected in the occurrence of new suhstitute assemblages.