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dc.contributor.authorPieronek, Barbarapl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1970, Z. 37, Prace Zoologiczne 2, s. [114]-129pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe paper, which deals with the fauna of the Baltic Sea and its history, consists of four chapters: I - the history of the Baltic Sea from the Barrier Lake, through the Yoldia Sea, the Ancylus Lake, and the Litoryne Sea, up to the contemporary Mya period. II - the description of the living conditions in present-day Baltic: its depth, thermic conditions, the degree of salinity in water and the sea’s land-locked position ; the specific nature of its living conditions. III - the description of fauna in present-day Baltic Sea, and its division into four groups: 1. Arctic animals, 2. Atlantic animals, 3. fresh-water animals, 4.“newcomers". Apart from these main groups, also other animals whose presence has been attested in the Sea, have been taken into account. Greater attention was paid to Baltic mammals, both to the native species and to those which appear there but occasionally. IV - Living conditions in the Baltic Sea and their dynamism, determining the character of contemporary fauna. To illustrate the discussed problems, 11 diagrams and 5 maps have been appended. The bibliography lists 17 publications.en_EN
dc.titleFauna Bałtyku na tle jego historiipl_PL
dc.title.alternativeThe Baltic sea fauna in the light of its historyen_EN

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