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dc.contributor.authorRozmus, Mieczysławpl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1970, Z. 39, Prace Botaniczne 2, s. [65]-75pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe obtained results of cytological investigation into the process of mitotic division in the vertical merystems of Triticale roots have led up to the conclusion that these specimens are aneusomatically differentiated. In the examined material, bedide the regular chromosome number 2n = 56, alseo cells with 2n = 55, 54, 52, 51, and 48 have been revealed. This differentiation should be attributed to the disturbances found in the process of mitosis, which consisted in the formation of chromosome bridges between the cell's poles and in the fact that some of the chromosomee do not part. The interphase nuclei are differentiated as regards size and the number of nucleoli. It is suspected that the larger nuclei have a double or multiplied number of chromosames. No mitotic division in large-nuclei cells have been found to occur. Neither is their genesis guite clear. The author discueses the problem of the possible reasons for the cytological diffrerentiation of the Triticale breed and for its lowwred fertility, as well as tbe question of aneusomatic differentiation.en_EN
dc.titleMitoza w komórkach merystematycznych oktoploidalnych form Triticale (Pszenżyto)pl_PL
dc.title.alternativeMitosis in meristematic cells of octoploidal Triticale forms (Wheat-rye)en_EN

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Pokaż uproszczony rekord