Interesujące porosty (Lichenes) Pogórza Rożnowsko-Ciężkowickiego
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Kozik, Ryszard
Źródło: Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1970, Z. 39, Prace Botaniczne 2, s. [169]-173
Język: pl
Data: 1970
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
The author has listed 34 varieties of lichen and their respective location within the Rożnów-Ciężkowice Submontane
Region (Polish West Carpathians). Some ot theee varieties are highly interesting, e.g. Coenogonium nigrum, Cladonia
gravi, Umbilicaria hirsuta, Sarcogyne simplex, Lecanora hageni, Evernia mesomorpha, kinds of lichen which so far
have been but seldom localised within the West Carpathian region in previous publications.
It is the author's intention to carry on his research on the flora of lichen in the Rożnów-Ciężkowice Sumbontane