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dc.contributor.authorWitek, Stefanpl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1971, Z. 40, Prace Geograficzne 5, s. [63]-87pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe article presents research results concerning the sanddrifts of the central part of the Sandomierz Dale. The author, upon analysing the localization and morphology of the structures of eolic accumulation, occurring within the Kolbuszowa Plateau as well as in the valleys of the Wisłoka, San, Vistula and Wisłok, has expounded a number of his hypotheses relating to the origin of the sand-drifts. He has examined at some length the mechanical composition and the sorting-out of the dune-building material as one of the criteria serving to account for their origin. The submitted results of morphological and morphometrical investigations have permitted to distinguish several types of sand-drifts. Much attention has been devoted to the age and the developmental phases of the sand-drifts on the examined area. The author’s conclusions about the multi-phasal character of the dune-forming processes which occurred mainly in the Late Glacial and Early Holocene periods, have been formulated upon comparing the contemporary anemometrical relations and the location of sand-drifts, the relation of the latter to fluvial terraces, the structure and texture of sand-drifts and upon archaeological and palaebotanical criteria.en_EN
dc.titleZ badań nad wydmami Kotliny Sandomierskiejpl_PL
dc.title.alternativeThe sand-drifts of the Sandomierz Dale: some resultsen_EN

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