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dc.contributor.authorNowak, Władysław A.pl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1971, Z. 40, Prace Geograficzne 5, s. [95]-114pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe Upper Cretaceous sediment rocks in the north-western part of the Nida Syncline are highly differentiated under the lithological aspect, ranging from almost pure calcite, through carbonate-clayey-sandy rock of varying mechanical structure, up to siliceous rock. Under the influence of frost-weathering, during the Pleistocene periods of periglacial morphogenesis, there were considerable differences both in the rate of disintegration of these rocks and in the size of the products of this disintegration. On 37 samples of 11 kinds of rock collected on tha spot according to the frequency of their occurrence, and than submitted in laboratory conditions to 15 frosting and defrosting periods, the author has tried to grasp the interconnections between the different physical properties of these rocks on the one hand, and their susceptibility to frost weathering - as well as of their products to solifluction on the other. The conclusions drawn free the research will serve to analyse the morphogenetic processes in the Pleistocene on these areas, whereas all generalizations an of typological-regional character.en_EN
dc.titleLaboratoryjne badania nad podatnością na wietrzenie mrozowe skał osadowych z północnych części Niecki Nidziańskiejpl_PL
dc.title.alternativeLaboratory research on the susceptibility to weathering of sediment rock in the northern parts of the Nida Synclineen_EN

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