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dc.contributor.authorZioło, Zbigniewpl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1971, Z. 40, Prace Geograficzne 5, s. [273]-295pl_PL
dc.description.abstractTheoretical reflections on various forms of concentration of industry, as well as empirical research, have led the author to conclude that the basic elements of the spacial structure of industry are the industrial works and factories. On the basis of quantitative indices (output potential, labour, production), qualitative criteria (the specific structure of the particular form, the role of industry in national economy), as well as the systems of interrelations (in the sphere of production, economic infrastructure, man power, the natural environment), the author has distinguished within the Province of Rzeszów: industrial centres, industrial collectives, industrial agglomerations, scattered industry. Assuming as systems of reference the branch structure of the province’s industry and the model of uniform distribution, the special character of the examined forms have been determined. On the basis of specialization indices value, four groups of forms have been distinguished, in which as their values were growirg, the organized forms of concentration were occurring with a decreasing frequency.en_EN
dc.titleFormy koncentracji przemysłu w strukturze przestrzennej województwa rzeszowskiegopl_PL
dc.title.alternativeForms of industry concentration in the special structure of the province of Rzeszówen_EN

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